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Have you ever experienced staring blankly at a full moon? Have you ever wonder and asked yourself, "why am I looking at the moon and feel relax and at peace?" If your answer is yes, then I am not alone.

I am a  person who is deeply attracted by the moon especially if it is a full bright moon in a vast, clear sky. I am captivated by marvelous view in front of me. It's moon glare in my face. It so relaxing and soothing. I feel so much pleasure just by looking at it. It's funny how I am able to find tranquility in the night, having calmness in every nerves, always in peaceful state than what I feel in their so-called cheerful, and bright day.

I read a lot of stories and watched a lot of movies about werewolves that are transforming from human to their werewolf form. I know I am not like them because they don't really exist (or do they???, I wish I am, haha! ), but I find this absurd because I am the only one in my family with this deep attraction to the moon.

Selene - Greek Mythology; Moon goddess

Because of my attraction to the moon, I felt the urge to research about it. And I found out that this love and passion for the moon really does exist and I am not the only one with this obsession of the moon. As I mentioned, I did a little research about person who loves the moon, and what I found out is that we are called "Selenophile or Philoselene". I did further research to find out more about it. And the name was derived from a Titan goddess in Greek mythology, Selene.

It is really fascinating!

We are so blessed to be given the privilege of viewing wonderful creations around us for free. I don't feel absurd or weird now because I now know that I am not alone, there is someone out there who is also enjoying the pleasure and calmness by looking at the moon.

Are you also enjoying the moon like me? Are you also a Selenophile or Philoselene?

Can you share your experience and feeling looking at the moon?

Feel free to comment, I can't wait to know if you are also a moon lover.

Please subscribe if you liked my article. ♥ =)

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i do think plenty more people just love the moon because of the tranquility it gives off when you look up at it

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4 years ago

I too love the moon. But I love looking at stars too. I love to do some star gazing. Camping at night while stargazing is the best. 😊 you can also add this article to Filipino Original Contents. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Read his posts. It can help you to understand

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4 years ago

I myself is a selenophile. I even put it on my bio. At around 1-3am, I can see the moon while lying in my bed. I even have a lot of picture of it. Different dates, different times.

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4 years ago

Wow! I I haven't check your bio yet, but I think I have to. : ) Nice to meet another Selenophile. ♥

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4 years ago

This post looks really nice. I wonder where you found these photos. I have nothing with the moon. I do not feel different either. The only time I know if it is full moon is because I see it if I have to leave early during winter and it isn't that dark outside.

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4 years ago

Hello @wakeupkitty! Thanks for the upvote! I appreciate you liked my article. I know there are some person who can't relate with me. That's why i felt weird and that's the reason i wrote this article, to encourage myself that it is fine to be different. I appreciate if you can subscribe, ill also subscribe to you so we can both earn. Have a good day! Ps. We dont have winter in our country. Lol

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4 years ago

If you ask me you are not different but I am. I hear many people state the moon does influence their behavior. With me, this is not the case and apparently, there are not more serial killers outside either which is good for the moon lovers. Perhaps I lost contact with Mother Nature although I am surrounded by it?

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4 years ago