Why aren't you earning on read.cash? Find out here...

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Avatar for Aniss3mma
3 years ago

It really is not too hard to know why you haven't been earning on read cash. It clearly shows there are things you haven't been doing. From these tips I can clearly say I've been earning up to $3 daily. And it has been working only on those days when I don't follow them then it won't work.

It's simple, it depends on your contribution to the society in a whole. You can't say you just want to earn by commenting and getting likes for yourself. You have to do it with quality in mind and with the mind that you want to make people learn.

You have to know fully well that once you want to comment on a post you'll either add to what the writer has said or you would give what you've learnt from it.

Make sure when you post you give more than 500 words and make sure they're easy to read such that people would like what you've written and be able to comment.

And when you comment make sure you give more than 50 words to make the writer know you've written down something good.

The funny part is you might not see the points count while you check but I tell you you'll know when it's time for you to get paid.

And another thing I've noticed is the points don't fully show until it's the next day. The engagements you give in the previous day is what makes the points for the day really high. So you should expect high points as you give engagements but you should the next day.

I believe you've been able to get something from this and do subscribe to me cause you would get a whole lot of interesting and inspirationak articles too just like this.

$ 0.00


What a wow! Secret just unfolded. Now I can see why I've not been earning much. Question, admin? Must the comments be on all post and all communities.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm a newbie here so I guess I've got to take this serious, I only felt liking people's post an commenting was the real work but now I have gotten it all sorted. Read.cash shouldn't just be an avenue to earn money but to showcase our literacy skills and learn what we can never come across in an Educational institution🙇🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Helpful writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh is that so, thanks for the explanation and to aware some newbies here on readcash on what be able to do to earn points in a day, and maybe i would do this.also to gain more points for doing activities and good articles here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am newbe here🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago