Salt really does have value and it's good to know that. I believe you would know the general use which is to make the taste come out of something and you'd also know how a good would taste without salt.
Salt is special and has this special way of making foods taste good. Not that it makes it sweet but it makes the taste evident. A food without salt has no taste cause that element needed to bring it out is missing.
I once fried egg without adding salt to it. And it smelt good up to the point where I took the first but from it. It tasted like it wanted to be sweet but it wasn't. I don't know if you understand that. It had the taste of a sweet egg but yet it didn't π.
Well, you shouldn't ever forget to put salt in whatever you cook cause it plays a vital role and it makes sure the taste glows for you to like eating it. It's function though is different from what sugar does.
Have you ever eaten without adding salt. And how did it taste?
Also, what could have made you forget to add it?
The value of salt can't be over emphasized