Always remember to sanitize...

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Avatar for Aniss3mma
4 years ago

It's always good when you continually and occasionally have it in mind to keep your hands clean. It might not be always that you remember but the regular recognition that you need your hands to be sanitized is enough.

With all schools and work placed opening, it means everyone is going to be close to each other and talking once again. A lot of people shaking and all that. And you have to do it with them to show you care and you're happy it's all coming back.


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And that's the continual rememberance that you have to keep yourself safe. When you know that you have to make efforts and one of them is keeping your sanitizer with you and always using it whenever you touch anyone.

It's inevitable cause you're either in school or your workplace and even if you practice social distancing, you're bound to touch someone one way or the other. So just to be on the safe side take precautionary measures.

I write this because I care of your safety and I would want to continue hearing of good news from you all

From @Aniss3mma , see you in the comments section...

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Avatar for Aniss3mma
4 years ago


Thanks for your love and concern๐Ÿ˜Š. Will always keep it in mind( cause you're always bound to forget some precautionary measures sometimes- like handshakes and hugs-๐Ÿ˜†)๐Ÿ˜‰

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure. It happens to me a lot of times in fact even that I'm active in following the measures. Once there's always someone to remind us then we'll do our best to always follow the measures.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

It aint easy atal brother

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I know about that. To follow and stick to the rules about it sure is hard and you just have to manage and do the best you can to keep and adhere to them.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah, it's not easy to cope in this period but we must learn to follow all measure to avoid contacting the virus.

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4 years ago

I know it isn't easy. Especially with all these increase in all we normally but. It's got me thinking of how expensige pure water as small as it is will soon get to.

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4 years ago

Even with Corona we should all be sanitizer at all time, not until we are told to, we most.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sure. Sanitisers sure are good to keep us safe at least to the part of our hands and nothing more. Nose masks keeps the nose part safe.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Covid 19 is real let stay safe

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4 years ago

We sure have to and also try to stay alive cause it isn't easy. It has brought a lot of hardship and we just have to manage through it.

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4 years ago

As important as this is, i have problems with people who produce sanitizers, some of them smell awfully.

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4 years ago

Yeah. There are reactions that comes with it and those that are allergic to it should just avoid it. It's better they just wash their hands and not use it since they know it causes swelling for them

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4 years ago

Lol.... Many people would still not adhere to the rules

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4 years ago

I know and that's why we should just keep telling them so it won't be anyone's fault if something bad happens to them at the end. They'd know it's them that didn't listen when it was being said.

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4 years ago

Thank you, measures have to be taken in order to be safe; your tips are helpful

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4 years ago

And that's the main reason why I talked about this and I'm trying to make everyone know that they should not stop taking those prescautionary measures.

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4 years ago