Questions and sBCH alliance

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1 year ago
Topics: SmartBCH, SBCH, CoinFlex, BCH, Bitcoincash, ...

There are few questions about Coinflex, SmartBCH alliance and rvUSD. All those thoughts I got from SmartBCH community.

  1. Assuming the restructuring happens as planned (SmartBCH Alliance receives 14k BCH from CoinFLEX and 75k BCH from donors, total 89k BCH to back 68k smartBCH BCH), why would SmartBCH Alliance liquidate all rvUSD and CoinFLEX equity?

  2. rvUSD and the equity of CoinFlex distributed will be sold into sBCH, which we can safely estimate as around 10K BCH."

  3. Wouldn't it be better to keep the rvUSD and CoinFLEX equity from 68k-14k = 54k BCH $6.5m for future instead of getting 10k BCH $1.2m relatively immediately, given that that 10k BCH ~ $1.2m does not seem to be absolutelynecessary now? Why would SmartBCH Alliance give up equity and involvement in the restructured CoinFLEX that is to become majority community-owned?

  4. Why would the donors donate BCH to SmartBCH Alliance if there will be no rvUSD and CoinFLEX equity left and thus no path to ever get all remaining funds back ($6.5m)?

  5. How are the donors planning to get compensated in the future? Or they don't and the 75k BCH ~ $9m donation is a no strings attached grant?

  6. Who are the donors?

  7. And what are the leftover funds (minimum 14k+75k-68k = 21k BCH, potentially 14k+75k+10k-68k = 31k BCH) going to be used for?

I don’t think 75K BCH will be fully donated if it is more than required. Alliance will use the assets got from CF to buy BCH and then ask donors to compensate the shortage. We’ve got more than 75K main chain BCH donation commitments from donors."

Why not use that as opportunity to gather more BCH than is needed for the bridge, for the sake of smartBCH community and its long-term growth?

With extra funds, Kui's team developer team could grow, the alliance could have a marketing and developer grant budget to rejuvenate the chain, etc...

Alliance will want to cash out Coinflex shares in the right timing, but not want to own the shares in long term. Alliance shall focus on this purpose but not getting into a business of investment by holding shares and tokens in long term.

rvUSD may need quite a long time to enforce the defaulters to pay. There are professionals on the market to collect such debt. And it is quite likely rvUSD will have a market price to sell for. Alliance will also try its best to sell rvUSD in a short period of time and convert rvUSD into BCH.

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1 year ago
Topics: SmartBCH, SBCH, CoinFlex, BCH, Bitcoincash, ...
