Mr Lamb

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1 year ago

Once my friend ask me about the mark lamb and coinflix. He also ask me about whether will he return our money or not. I replied to him,

Hey, I have a situation for you: We all deposit our money the person we deposited with gives it all to another person. Then he holds the rest of our money till the money he stole and gave away is given back by the person he gave our money to.

So for all you utter morons praising Mark Lamb and saying "Oh mark I know you're doing all you can your so great." You were just born dense and more than likely you are going to get your money stolen again. Are you people too stupid to realize Mark Lamb is the problem? Mark Lamb stole your money and gave it away. For all you mark lamb loving utter morons who sing his praise while he LEADS YOU TO THE GUILLOTINE, IF I'M WRONG to ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK, AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE IT TO YOU.

Think about that the next time you simpletons start directing your anger toward roger instead of the person who stole your money, to begin with. Mark Lamb is the cause of all this no one else. Mark Lamb is the cause of all this no one else.

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1 year ago
