Mr. Lamb 2

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1 year ago
Topics: BCH, SmartBCH

Mr. Lamb is a real blight on the BCH community. Anything he says can't be fully trusted. His idea of a choice is 1 option. I realize what he says is all we have to go on. But as far as integrity goes and honesty...pls. But on the plus side we can all expect Mark David Lamb to continue to act like Mark David Lamb, someone who stole our coins gave them to someone else, Took zero responsibility and blamed another person, lied, is holding smartbch funds hostage and pretends that you have a choice when you vote today...but there is only 1 choice. It's vote yes or coinflex will continue keep your coins seized for its own benefit until you vote yes on a proposal that mostly benefits coinflex and Mark David Lamb. I do understand the risks that are mentioned in there terms of service. Just wondering where Mark David Lamb classifies the stealing of people's hard earned coins, and where that would fall under. I'm sure all we have to do is scroll back in the coinflex group and they will all be extremely easy to identify. The problem with people like you is with your dismissive reply you insinuate that mark is the savior of coinflex and the bridge; which in fact he is the destroyer of the bridge and coinflex. Just to let you know I have zero sbch. But your dismissive cavalier replies are an insult to all the sbch devs and all the hard work and dedication. Hours of people's lives that are/ were teetering on completely wasted because of no one other than Mark Lamb.

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1 year ago
Topics: BCH, SmartBCH


have read about such Mr. Lamb for the first time

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