Conflex- The statistics

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1 year ago

The inquiry is (among others) about the 10% withdrawal all CoinFLEX depositors can make.

The alliance becoming the sole leftover smartBCH depositor (the other 33k smartBCH already deposited to CoinFLEX by others would be burned and equivalent BCH from the bridge allocated to them) with the 68k smartBCH balance should have access to 10% of those funds. Ideally, those 7k (10% of the balance) would be allocated from the 102k BCH bridge balance like all other smartBCH depositors now (the 33k) will get.

That would reduce the market impact on the mainchain BCH being sold - instead of 102k BCH from the bridge we would be looking at at most 102-7 = 95k (perhaps less if some of that 33k BCH from smartBCH depositors in CoinFLEX's custody gets withdrawn at the up to 10% rate). Minus fees to be burned, minus anything else potentially to be earmarked for the alliance (see the last paragraph here).

Undertaking 4.4 also states that other (unrelated) 39514.39k BCH that CoinFLEX has (in custody with Matrixport) would be sold to the alliance directly for USDC. Can we see the USDC funds for this trade to be executed?

And finally, in addition to the 7k BCH (10% of 68k), the alliance would be starting also with the 40k BCH, roughly 47k BCH on the main chain (less rounding errors - I could break it down if absolutely necessary but you get the idea).

What about the leftover 68-47 = 21k BCH necessary to show cryptographically that smartBCH is 1:1 backed with BCH? Does the alliance hold the 21k BCH already? Or would they be buying it? If buying it, can they buy it from the at most 95k BCH leftover from the halted CoinFLEX bridge after other subtractions, and show us USDC waiting for the trade? Either way, the CoinFLEX proposal even if amended plans to liquidate at least 95-3-21 = 71k BCH (and likely more) from the 102k BCH halted CoinFLEX bridge.

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1 year ago
