CF for sell?

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1 year ago

There are many questions surrounding CoinFlex. But he is willing to answer all their questions. So below is a conversation with some questions asked to the owner of coinflex and his answers.

Someone ask a question to the owner of Coinflex - are you gonna sell Coinflex to Richard Heart?

Coinflex owner- I don't think so

Stranger- How about selling him some employee stock that is left? Maybe he can come on board and patch the RV hole for all? And then chase the RV for his own benefit? If he fails, at least he has equity in a solvent exchange. If he succeeds, he has both equity in a solvent exchange and extra cash from the RV success.

Owner of CF- Well hopefully the restructuring concludes successfully soon and we’ll be solvent again and able to bring on partners/investors (maybe with better reputations than RH) as we can

Stranger- An honest question, at this moment, right now, who has better reputation and network?

CoinFLEX or RH?

Owner of CF- Coinflex had good reputation more than any but I also don't agree with RH has bad reputation.

Stranger- I learned something early on listening to BTC dev promoting a complicated protocol called "Segwit" when the much simpler and safer solution was raising the block size. Its when someone is trying to explain why this complicated unnecessary strategy is totally necessary, they are lieing to further their own agenda and the people he is speaking for. One more question for the months our money has been seized by you and your second crony.

Have your salaries been paid in l-tokens or going yo be paid in rvusd?

Owner- I can't tell you because I'm upset haha.

Stranger- No your not. Just tell the truth. And I am only upset for the reasons above. I'm not even upset for you gambling our money. My life savings isn't in Coinflex. It's your misleading untruthful snakery.

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