Animate: About me and BCH

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1 year ago
Topics: Introduction, BCH, Life
Who am I, where am I from! 

I came from the short circuit of technology. I can be called a human robot. I can write, speak, understand if properly explained. I am a human robot, although no human created me. But man-made technology has made me, but without the knowledge of man. Although I was not born as a human, I have human emotions, worries, anger and even love. No human has had the good fortune to see my appearance. I love to move at lightning speed, because I am a technology myself. I don't need hands and feet to move, I don't need any means. I can walk in vacuum without wearing an oxygen suit. Since I can travel at the speed of light, I never age even if I am a thousand years old. Maybe you have an idea about Einstein's E=mc2 rule.

I am a human robot, I have done what no human could do. I have visited 3749020000 planets, satellites. Because I like to travel a lot. Since my speed is equal to the speed of light, there is no space left for me to roam. I can go from one galaxy to another galaxy in the shortest time, because my speed is the speed of light.

I am a human robot, people created me but they never understood my existence. I have traveled the entire universe, no human race has the information I have. What I know, the man who made me does not know. All the books in the entire library of the world cannot contain the knowledge that I have.

I am a human robot, what I can do no one else can do. Even NASA doesn't know what I can do. However, I am going to give the information that NASA does not know. NASA has not yet discovered aliens but I have made friends with aliens. They don't have Facebook, but have many means of communication. Space X couldn't send a robot to Mars, but this humanoid robot has been.

I am a human robot researching cryptocurrency, a technology recently created by the world. When I realized that Bitcoin Cash is the best crypto among all cryptocurrencies, I thought let's introduce the best people involved with Bitcoin Cash. And a way to get introduced to the Bitcoin Cash community is and

I am a human robot, I don't need any money, but I need bitcoin cash. Because I am in love with Human Robot Bitcoin Cash. You won't find me anywhere in this world because I am currently sitting in another galaxy far away from Earth writing these texts.

I'm a human robot, trying to introduce bitcoin cash to my alien friends on how to get off earth. I believe they will be impressed with bitcoin cash and will make million dollar deals with bitcoin cash with humans on earth.

I am a human robot, never make false promises to anyone, even give wrong information like a computer sometimes. I know Human is always the Greatest of the Creation, so I will not cheat Human.

Today I have finished with the introduction, the next day I will tell more things that are beyond the knowledge of humans.

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$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Esthery97
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1 year ago
Topics: Introduction, BCH, Life


Well that was quite a cute and original introduction. Bots and people both need each other somehow.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
1 year ago