Imagine a material acting as conductor, semi-conductor and insulator!! 3 in 1. Isn't it interesting? Can it be possible?? Yes of course. Perovskite materials are the one that be used as conductor, semi-conductor and insulator. This materials well known for their vast use to make the efficient solar cells. It is one of the interesting findings in 21st centuries.
What an iconic invention it is!!
As i am a student of Physics and recently researching with the perovskite materials, sometimes i'll express my ideas about perovskite materials which i personally named as materials of wonder!!
Today i'll talk about the defination and basic structure of this highly complicated compound materials. I'll try my best to to write as simply as possible so that all can find interest.
A perovskite is any material with the same type of cryatal structure as Calcium Titanium Oxide(CaTiO3), known as the perovskite structure. Perovskites are considered as the minerals which was first discovered in the Ural mountains of Russia by Gustav Rose in 1839 and is named after Russian mineralogist L.A Perovski (1792–1856).
The general chemical formula for perovskite compounds is ABX3, where 'A' and 'B' are two Cations (positively charged atoms) of very different sizes, and X is an anions (negatively charged atoms) that bonds to both. The 'A' atoms are larger than the 'B' atoms. The ideal cubic structure has the B cations in 6-fold coordination, surrounded by an octahedron of anions, and the A cation in 12-fold coordination.
The substitution of different cations into A and B position is also possible and these so called complex perovskite may have ordered and disordered variants.
Some of the perovskite materials are LaCo3, LaMn
Thats all the simple defination of Perovskites. I'll try to state the applications of those materials in some another day in future.
Oops totally out of my knowledge...good job brother..carry on..have a good day