Reminiscing Schooldays

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1 year ago

Article #5 month of January 2023

Good day my fellow encouraging, inspiring, motivated, determine readcash family writers here. I hope all of us here are well and fine.

For todays blog, I just wanna share with you those times/experiences when I was still studying. It recalls on my mind by the reason that I saw my diploma and medal(s) hanging as I was cleaning inside our house at living room area.

I grew up in a poor family. My father is a carpenter and my mother is housewife. We are four siblings in our family and I am the youngest. When I was in elementary school, I experienced having no pocket or having only up to two pesos. Because my father is a carpenter, the salary is not that big and just enough for household expenses and needs. When it is recess time, I went home because it is not just far our school ground from our house. I ate rice tutong( burnt/toasted cooked rice) added with hot water then added with sugar and milk just like a porridge. But I didn't give up, I understood our situation and that's why I studied hard to make up for my parents' difficulties. In grade one to grade five I didn't get a medal just a ribbon but it didn't stop me, it was always in my mind that 'it's okey if I will not received/get some medals the important thing is that I passed and I gave my best and make my parents proud of me'. In grade six, it was the time that I can say that I shine because I didn't expected that I will be awarded as with honor student. I also joined MTAP, Sudoku Competition. Sudoku game is a mind blowing game, a puzzle in which players insert the numbers one to nine into a grid consisting of nine squares subdivided into a further nine smaller squares in such a way that every number appears once in each horizontal line, vertical line, and square.

Imaged from google apps.

In highschool, starting from first year to fourth year I was included in top five honor students. My snacks on that time was only five pesos, three pesos for buying viand and two pesos for water because the goods were not so expensive then, unlike now. But even though I only had five pesos in my pocket, I was still able to save and what I saved I used for projects, school fees. I learnt to be an independent daughter when there are school fees, I don't ask my parents anymore, but the money I put aside is what I use or not, I sell muchkins and yema to earn some money as well. And when there is no classes just like weekends I used my skills that I learned from my eldest sister which is doing manicure/pedicure and mostly, doing nail art designs. By that, I earn some money that added to my allowance. Sometimes the money I earned, I gave it to my parents to buy some needs on our house even in a little amount. I was stopped almost five years after I graduated highschool because of the financial is not enough to study in college and it is still difficult for me and my siblings to go to college at the same time.

I have lot of experiences when I was still studying. I experienced to climbed guava fruit/ I used to pick ripe guava for a snack, sell it to buy paper or pay school fees. I also experienced selling ferns to teachers. I also experienced making dishes with salt and eating alone because I was ashamed of my classmates who would enjoy their dishes. I almost fell because I joined cheerdance for grades by the reason that I am afraid having a failing grades. When I go to school, I walked because there is no transportation even it is raining or the sun shines brightly and because of having no umbrella I get some leaves of taro plant or banana tree to used as rain protection.

Ending Thoughts

Todays generation is so different from yesterday's generation. As I can see, I can compare that today's young people enjoy life because when they go to school, their parents pick them up. They no longer wears a uniform, but in civilian clothes, which is like to attend a party. Back then, in our times we wouldn't be allowed to enter into school if you didn't have an ID and didn't have a complete uniform.

And I can only exclaimed that yesterdays generation(my elementary and highschool) is a memorable and unforgettable. And I am proud to my parents because even though there is a lot of people who criticize, degraded and doesn't believe that my parents were not able us go to college they never talk back to them instead my parents just being quite, keep on fighting and still working hard and make other people witness that those bad gossips they've done to our family are wrong and now I'm proudly say that my parents are the best because now, our eldest sister graduated from college and she became cum laude and now my elder brother will also graduate soon from BSBA course. And I know it's not too late, because I will continue my studies in college not only for my dream but also for my son's future and to help my parents.

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Until here my fellow readers. Have a wonderful and productive Saturday afternoon to us. Stay safe all.

To my likers, subscribers, commentators, and for those upvoted tips I appreciated it a lot.

Thank you for stopping and reading.

God bless us all and more powers.

Lead_Imaged: from my Facebook account.

💕 Love_Angge22😘

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