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1 year ago
Article#2 month of February 2023

Good day everyone!😊

Valentine's Day is approaching, are you excited? For sure, anyone here are excited because they will receive some presents from their love ones. Well me, I'm not, Valentine's Day is just a normal day for me.

Today is the first Saturday of the month of February, I hope our day is full of hopes and blessings. How I wonder who was the one created the calendar why are only 29 and 30 dates deleted in the month of February hopefully as well as the day of the 14th, as many as there are no dates on Valentine's Day,,,LOL(bitter na kung bitter🤣). Anyways, as I realized I was born in the month of November so I was made by my parents today's month, the Love Month which is February ( sana all). Well so much for that, let's start answering the questions.....

Are you scared of anything?

Yes! Especially snakes which are venomous and leech that sucks blood even it is small which is disgusting. And for me, if we talk about 'death', I am not scared of death because we're all going there, I'm just afraid that in an instant I'll disappear like a bubble and when my son wakes up, I won't be by his side. I'm afraid of losing his side because since I was pregnant with him, I've been his refuge, support and sympathy. Because I know, even if his grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins ​​and his father are there, he will still look for me. Because he knows that he is secure by my side. The way how I cared, protect, love and those sufferings/sacrifices I've done for him since he is in my womb until I gave birth on him. " A mothers Love for his child is the most powerful love ever".

Most memorable experience?

There are lots of experiences that are so memorable for me whether it's happy or sad event. The most memorable experience in my life was when I gave birth to my first born through c-section. Those pains for almost twelve (12) hours of labor. Vomiting, nausea, dizziness and morning sickness but still worth it.

What have you learned from your trials and struggles in life?

I've learned to be strong enough to face all the challenges in life especially now that I have a son who gives me strength, inspiration, motivation and encouraging me to continue grinding and keep fighting life's challenges. All of those trials that we are handling right now are just passers by because in life it is not always rainy but tomorrow there is a sun which rise brightly and there's always hope in everyday obstacles. Just always remember, keep fighting and never give up.

What is the best gift you receive?

Aside from the life, water we drink and the air we breathe which was given by Almighty Father and having parents and siblings which are caring, loving, supporting and motivating me always that I am so thankful and grateful of, the best gift that I've ever received is that having a 'Son'. Because he is the result, the fruit of our love for the person I love and who loves me. The half me and the half of the man I love. Nothing can compare to the gift of having a child who has been the reason to carry on through all of life's trials.

Is religion is important to a relationship?

Yes! Religion is important because of this we learn good manners, we know what to do and not to do. It teaches us to be generous, respectful and understanding each both sides. It helps us to define our lives and it gives meaning to our lives. Adolescents who attend religious services with one or both of their parents are more likely to feel greater well-being while romantic partners who pray for their “significant others” experience greater relationship commitment. Putting God in the center in our lives/relationship made us feel better. A relationship becomes stronger when the presence of God is placed in the middle because he provides light and solution, the way to all the trials that come in our relationship.

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And that would be all. Thank you for stopping and reading. 😊

Have a blissful and productive Saturday morning to all of us. I hope all are well and fine. Let's start our day full of positivity and happiness.

To my likers, subscribers, commentators and for those upvoted tips I appreciated it a lot.

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God bless us all and more powers 🙏

💕 Love_Angge22😘

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Avatar for Angge22
1 year ago


I may borrow some of these, thanks for something easy to write. Until today I never thought what day I was conceived on, lol. Gives Valentine's Day a whole different meaning 🤫🤐

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sure my birth twin😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Same here sis, hadlok sad ko anang ahas ug linta. Nanindig jud dayon akong balahibo kung makakita ug ingon Ana.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Naahhh, naa jd koy dli makalimtan nga panghitabo about linta ug ahas sis,,, makatawa nga dalang kuba... Bitaw oui,,, malisang ug ngilngig mn gd...

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1 year ago