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2 years ago
Article #33 May 14,2022

How do you define Life? How important is Life to you? Are you happy and satisfied with your Life that you have now? Did you compare your Life to others?

Life is the most beautiful gift bestowed upon us by God for it is in our life that we are able to experience joy and sadness, learn things, explore places, find meanings and answers to questions, achieve our desired goals, fulfill our duties and live to the fullest.

Life is so important to me because I exist in this beautiful world that made me strong enough to face all the challenges and milestones which I overcome. I experienced that in life, it is not always happiness, enjoyments and excitements but also we encountered trials like sadness, sorrows,pain and heartaches which molds us how to become independent and how to solve and to conquer all those problems. I know that all of us undergo depression, anxiety, being rejected by others and mostly being discriminated by the people which surrounds us. Despite all those things we involve with we must learn how to give importance to our life. Life is precious and we only live once.

L stands for LIVING

Living in this beautiful world is a great gift by God, why? Because we learn how to live peaceful and we meet other people even we have different status, races, culture, religions in life. By this we create and learn how to love and respect other people through understanding both sides. We listen each opinions and ideas that leads to better communication.

I stands for INSPIRATION

Inspiring other people that life is not boring. Life is full of great opportunity and adventures. Even how stress and tired you are, thier are lot of people will inspire and motivates you to become more tough because problems are just passers by. Because life is like a wheel, sometimes you are on down part but soon you will be on the top. By that time, you can exclaim that all your hardworks, efforts and sacrifices is already achieve together with the work and self-confidence that you can do it and mostly by having faith in HIM. Do not let your problems drag you down instead, face those obstacles and never give up.

F stands for FORGIVE and FORGET

It is better to forgive those people who hurt you or made a mistakes on you. Learn to accept their apologies but never let them abuse your kindness even you forgive them. Forget those bad and sad moments you encountered. Start a new life and let the people who surrounds you that you are not weak and let them witness that you can stand on your own feet without depending them. Conquer your fear. Fight for yourself because you have freedom to fight what is right and wrong.

E stands for EVERYTHING

Everything in this world has its end we never know when will it happen. Family is my everything because without them I never exist in this world. They are the one who encourage me how to become a good person with manners. We must love and respect our family because we can't predict our life when will it ends. As early as possible, let your family feel that they are important to you. We are lucky that we have a complete family because others don't have. Learn to appreciate their efforts and sacrifices. Don't waste the time but instead, enjoy the moments with your family.

Ending Thoughts

Life is important to every person but sometimes somebody doesn't want life. Sometimes they just want to die because of depression and sadness, others also wish that it is better that I never exist in this world. Others also blamed God why did He gave life to them if they will just suffer, but if God never let you live and give life in this world you will never meet some friends, your special someone. Anything that God has given to you, you should be thankful for because life is precious and think before you end up your life because everything has a reason no matter how much suffering you go through.

Until here my fellow read.cash family. Have a great dawn ahead.

To my likers, commentators, subscribers and for those upvoted tips thank you as always. I appreciated it a lot.


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God bless us always and more powers. Keep dreaming. Continue reaching. Strive more. I know we can do it.

💕 Love_Angge22😘

$ 0.82
$ 0.79 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @MichaelBCH
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Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago


Nive lge ni na style na writings dai. Ingini kanunay na style oh hihihi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe,thank you sa compliments ate loves😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis, life is the most important and the best gift from above.. I am so lucky because God choosen me to give life so dapat magiging thankful tayo sa lahat ng hindi maganda at magandang nangyari sa buhay natin because we only live once

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes ate sis, we must treasure the moments samtang buhi ug naa pa ta dria sa kalibutan bcoz hinugman ra raba gyud ni atuang kinabuhi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes hehe.. dapat jud 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

The gift of Life is the most precious gift in the entire world, and to make that more awesome, it's given by the creator, that's the more reason we need to be appreciative. Nice write-up Angge

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you @MichaelBCH🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago