I'm Proud of Myself

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Avatar for Angge22
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...

To my readcash family here, have a wonderful and blissful Monday evening to all of us especially here in Philippines and good morning/good afternoon to other countries. It's been a month that I was not able to publish a new article of mine because of dealing and facing personal problem and I know that each one of us are dealing different problems that coming to our life.

Let me share with you how's my life going on today, but before I start I just wanna say this and greet everyone Belated Happy Mothers Day to all mothers in this beautiful platform that I joined since year 2022.

So, here it goes like this..........

I have a long-term relationship and we reached nine years and eight months and eighteen days. From the start of our relationship, I gave my full support, care, understanding and love to him even if our both side parents were against our relationship. We experienced hiding and acting we broke up our relationship in order for our relationship to reach how many years and last long. Our relationship was just like a game why? Because the friends of the one whom I having a relationship was just dared him to courted me and once I accepted him, his friends were the one who will work all the school activities for him. It was last June year 2013, I accepted him as my boyfriend. But before I accepted him as my boyfriend, we have agreement that if we reach five years then we will broke up our relationship. So, our relationship reached months and years. There were lots of problems came to our relationship which was it got to the point where our parents found out that we were still together and tried to separate us. But we still didn't budge and continued our relationship secretly. And the point came when he cheated on me and I forgave him several times and gave him a chance to change. I saw and felt that he had changed. And that's when we reached five years, instead of cutting off our relationship we continued until it reached eight years and more.

Fast forward... Last August 04,2021 it was the day/night that one of a memorable experienced in my life which was it was his first time to came to our house So that I can introduce him to my family without hesitation because my siblings and my parents have already said that I should send him to our house because my family has accepted him and they have accepted that he has become my boyfriend and as part of our family. I was so happy, and a few days passed, my boyfriend was already sleeping at our house until we reached nine years and more until I was blessed to get pregnant. Our relationship is still happy until I give birth to our child on August 10, 2022 through c-section delivery. How many months passed by he was still visiting and have time to bond the family we build. The love, support, care, understanding and communication is still there until one day it was change because of the word "cheating".

The day came, it was month February 2023, the one and only boyfriend and man who came into my life went back to his old self, who cheated and hid that he had another relationship and what's even worse is that he lied that he didn't have a girlfriend and didn't have child or should I say, he lied that he has already an own family. I wondered why he didn't always come home to our house and didn't even say hello to me and my mother. If he goes home, he seems restless and will immediately return to the city where he is studying. I doubted and came to the point where I was always overthinking. One day, I saw on his Facebook post and there was a suspicious behavior, there was a woman who always reacted and commented on his posts and I gave that a motive and the day came when I myself took a step to know the truth . That's it, I sent a message request to the girl and I didn't ask any more questions. I messaged her that "are you in a relationship with M?(the first initial letter of the father of my son). The woman was shocked by my message and she answered "Yes" with a follow-up question, "why, who are you?" I answered him without hesitation, "I am his wife and we have a child (we are not married yet but it seems like that's what it's called a family). After that, I blocked the girl and after a few minutes, my thicked-faced boyfriend chatted on me then became angry to me. I was the one who was scolded for what I did and that's how it got to the point that my boyfriend and I broke up.And he was the one actually broke up and said "I'm tired of your attitude and I'm fed up with your doubts!" "Which doubting me that it's true and I can't even escape on your instincts, why are you really good at that?!" I just answered him because I know your whole personality, during our relationship I know your actions and movements! Alright, let's separate and I hope you don't show up and I will do everything so that my son and I can live together because you never showed and made our son feel it that you are a good and responsible father for him and a loving partner. And our relationship was totally over it was last February 21, 2023 and I already knew that he and the girl whom I suspected having a relationship with him were continuing thier relationship.

Since the day that we were separated, Yes! It was so hard for me to cope up those pain and sorrows that I encountered in my entire life. Dealing with postpartum depression and added the break up scenery. I felt pity for my son because he was the one who is suffering most about the happenings. Days, weeks and months I am crying in silent and dealing it with my own but still I am thankful that I have my family who are ready to support, inspire, encourage and motivates me that I can do all those obstacles. Without them maybe now , I am in so much pain and maybe I cut off my life but I realized that why would I do that kind of thing? I have a son who is the one who give me happiness, strength and motivation to continue the life we have.

One month passed by, it was last March 2023 and that month is the birth month of my ex( the father of my son). March 02, he chatted on me with this words" happy 9yrs and 9months of love" I reacted to his message with an angry emoji then replied, " we're already done and you are not part of our lives now! Then I blocked him. His birthday came, it was last March 22. My ex made a different account to chat with me and beg me to show him our son even if it was just a birthday gift to him. I didn't think twice about answering him" the look on your face was also thick, wasn't it? You weren't ashamed of what you did to your son and me, and now you made me feel bad! You deserve it yourself, I haven't changed, I just tried to treat you the way how you treated us".

And on that day since the day we already separated and end up our relationship until now, I proved to myself that I did it. And yes, I am proudly say that I am a strong and independent single mom. My son now is nine months and five days old. Together with my son, I exclaimed and happy about the improvement of our lives even though we were broken family. I was indeed so happy that we broke up because my entire toxic own family is useless. It's better if it's not complete as long as you're happy and you've supported your child and raised it in an orderly manner full of love and care. So now, my ex just stares at me and my son. And he saw that I could handle everything even without him. And most of all, his new girlfriend is making arrangements with me and she even made a way for my son and his father to have communication but I didn't let them fool me anymore. When my son and I are happy with our life now it will be destroyed again and I don't want to experience that again. They destroyed us then so now I will not be moved. I will not revenge but I let the karma will be one one to give justice.

Ending Thoughts

"It doesn't matter how long your relationship has been so you can say that you really love each other and she/he will be the one and be with you together/forever. Even the married couples and have already titles and children still separated.

You were bless and lucky enough that there is someone who already accepts you as being who you are despite of your status in life. To those people who are in love, please know the deep meaning of the word CONTENTMENT. Appreciate those people who gives you love, support, care, the one who understands you and willing to be by your side in your ups and downs. Because today, it is so rare to find that the one."

Final Thoughts

Yes! I admitted that I have regrets in my life but being a single mom is not belong to those regrets. And being a first time mom is not so easy but being a Single mom is so challenging. I may not be a perfect mother to my son but I will do everything to him and mostly, I will be his mother and father. I thanked God, He made me a mom that changed my entire life.

Happy Mothers Day to my mama and also to me😘😘😘

Thank you my little buddy that you came into my life. Mama always loves you and I'm always by your side no matter what happens and I will do everything for you😘❤️

Before I end up my content, I again greeted all the mothers a Happy Mothers Day to all of us. Especially to all mothers which were away from their family, all single moms who did all their sacrifices to give their child a better life like me, to those single father that serves as a mother to their children, to those mother who had a rainbow babies. I just want to say this, I am so proud to all of us.

Until here my inspiring, determine and motivated readcash family.

To all of my friends, supporters, subscribers, commentators, likers and for those upvoted tips I appreciated it a lot.

God bless us all and more powers 🙏 Believe in yourself that you can and you will. It maybe stormy and rainy for now but it will never be forever, there is still a sun to shine that gives us hope. Have faith in our Almighty Father because in Him nothing is impossible.

Take care always and be safe🤗Just keep on fighting and never give up. It is okey to rest but never surrender.

Lead_Imaged: brought to you by yours truly

All photos are mine....

Thank you for stopping and reading my article ☺️

💕 Love_Angge22❤️

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Avatar for Angge22
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Blog, Experiences, Story, ...


Slay! I love this article. It shows how great of an example you are as an empowered woman sizzy. We don't need men, to begin with. We have survived life without them, as a matter of fact.

Also, cheating is habitual sizzy. You can never expect someone to not do it again unless they have learned their lessons wholeheartedly. As they say, once a cheater, always a cheater 🤷

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for your overwhelming words ma'am😊😊😊 Even if they learned their lessons but still the trust they ruined is not the same again.... God bless you po and more powers🤗😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True, you were betrayed and it's not easy to trust again. I feel you. I have been cheated on too so f*ck them. Haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We don't need to revenge on them,, let the karma will give justice🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right. Let the deities do their job. 🤭

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Stay strong birthday twin :) Great photos of mother and son. Happy late Mother's Day to you friend 💚

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for your words birthday twin🤗 And thank you for your greetings... God bless you and stay safe my dear friend 💚

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bless you girl your so strong. Keep up the spirit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you 😊 and God bless you too.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

im so proud of you sis! I wish you real happiness for your son too. Im happy that you finally broke the chains that bind you. May you find true love somewhere soon

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you po sis☺️ ayaw ko na pong magpakamartir....God bless you po at ingat lge 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know why man needs to cheat over their partner, did it give them a pleasure for lying? It is not really a good thing to do.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well I can only say that they were discontented.

$ 0.00
1 year ago