From Monday to Wednesday? What a tirey day!

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2 years ago

I was not able to create an article last Monday because I cooperated our monthly general voluntary cleaning operation in our barangay and that day also, our internet connection was lost again. And Tuesday also, I didn't published another article because I went to town for having my laboratory test and also, I visited my boyfriend at his boarding house because it was his special day. Before going to the Urban Health Center for my check up, my boyfriend told me that he will come and be with me because he doesn't let me to go there without him.

(Before I went to my boyfriend's boarding house, I visited at the Cathedral)
(My boyfriend, dasal muna pasalamat kay God at Mother Mary for giving another life and all the blessings that he received everyday)

When we arrived at the Urban Health Center, I was the one only entered the office, my boyfriend only waited me outside.

(It's me waiting for the result of my lab.test)
(At this time, I got colds because of the hot weather and due to the air-conditioned office)

So, why was my whole Wednesday day got me tired?

Morning routine

I woke up early at this morning, having my breakfast a cup of milk with bread and biscuits. I prepared foods to be feed by my father's pet. I also did the household chores after that, I relaxed in a minute for taking a break. I prepared the things to be used for the relief goods that be given. When I finished all the things, my Aunt called me to be prepared because it's time for us to walk in the next barangay. We went to our next barangay by walking for half an hour to get and receive our relief goods which will be distributed by the city government. Our barangay captain announced that we must be at our next barangay at exactly 10am because it was the time given for our schedule for the distribution of goods.

At exactly 10am we arrived safely, a lot of people waited at the gym. Some were just standing beside the posts and some of them sat at edge of the stairs because all chairs were occupied. Señior cetizen, persons with disability and pregnant were they prioritized to sat on the chair. It took so long, and we waited for an hour and half because the visitors were not already been there at the venue. Well, Filipino time nga naman...hahaha...

At exactly 11:30am the program starts. Other Barangays received there relief goods with 6liters absolute water and vitamins. The last barangay was called is our barangay. All of my companions were happy and glad that we received a lot. We received rice,can goods, coffee, water and etc. When it was almost done, the program adjourned immediately because all people were hungry.

At exactly 12:00 noon, I prepared my lunch, I cooked my food to be eaten which was fried dried fish and cucumber soaked with spicy vinegar. I am totally fill because I ate a lot of rice,,hahaha. When I finished my lunch, I prepared again for attending another meeting. The weather was so hot that I want to take a bath again,hahaha.

At exactly 1pm, I went to our health center to attend the mother class. When I arrived at our barangay gym which was our barangay health center was also there. I was shocked because I was too early. So, I askeds one of our (BHW) Barangay Health Worker if our midwife has already arrived, she answered me that yes she's in her room. I went to our midwife's office and I gave to her the result of my laboratory test. When she saw the results, she only smiled at me and told me that, your results of your laboratory examination is good. Continue what did you do from the start, just don't forget to take your vitamins, eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruits and mostly, don't forget to drink water everyday.

A few moments passed by, we started the program because all mothers together with thier childrens has arrived. We start our program at exactly 2pm in the afternoon, our midwife discussed what was the topic all about. It was all about "FAMILY MUAC AND IYCF ROLL OUT".

Our meeting adjourned at exactly 3pm in the afternoon. Because I am so sleepy, I went home hurriedly but sad to say, I didn't slept instead, I prepared foods to be feed my father's pet again because I fed my father's pet at morning and afternoon.


Even how tired I am, still I am grateful and thankful that God give us everyday blessings not only for foods but also another life to be enjoy with.

I was so happy that I learned a lot today, how to be patient and how to understand other people's live. Mingling with others without a doubt and respecting thier own ideas. Accepting the truth that, not all people will discriminate and underestimate you but instead, they motivate and encourage you to become successful in life.

Until here guys, I wish a pleasant and fruitful Thursday dawn my readers. God bless to all of us and more powers.

I will back to my sleep because I am not feeling well today due to runny nose and I have headache.

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Avatar for Angge22
2 years ago


Mag wa2 diay gihapon injo internet? Asa diay dPit injo mamsh?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bukid amo sis,,, sa maasin...wala gani kuryente ra ang gamit...mawala ang internet labina ug mag uwan-uwan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi is man nakapagsulat ng article sis nsging makahulugan nasmn ang araw mo. Says namsn nakakapagod pero mukhsng enjoyable ay marami kang natutunan. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sis...until now pagod parin....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pagod man tayo sa lahat ay huwag natin kalimutan ang Panginoon sapagkat hindi siya napapagod na mahalin tayo at gabayan at .Biyayaan ng lubos lubos ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed 😊 God bless

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That was a busy day for you. Some day are practically like that, from one engagement to another. Please take care of yourself and the try to take a relief medicine for the headache and running nose if they persist after your rest

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you friend🤗 I don't know what medicine would I take because I'm also pregnant,, I am worried if it can affect my little angel🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I really understand. It's ideal you meet a doctor for proper prescription...if only the symptoms persists

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you friend, but for now I prefer to rest and drink plenty of water

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tug na uie. Kasayo ba nimata. Ikatug ug pahuway ra na para mawala ang sakit sa ulo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang² ingarun mn orasa magtinundo ang internet🥺🥺matug na lge ko ate loves..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahw mao pud lage. Naahh hala. Nightsuuu

$ 0.00
2 years ago