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1 year ago
Article #3 month of February 2023

Hello my fellow readcash family here, how's your Monday morning and night going on? I do hope your feeling great, away from sickness, well and fine. I am almost a week being not active here in our platform by the reason that it always raining here in our place and sudden lost of electricity that is why I can't update some article/blog of mine and our internet connection doesn't cooperate also. Luckily, the weather yesterday and todays morning was good so as I finished all the household chores and my son still in his nap I went outside to have some moments to capture the beauty of nature.

Yesterday morning I captured this peaceful blue sky. The calmness of the sky above only defines that in life it's not always rough and sufferings. For now, we are handling and facing downs, trials and obstacles but despite of all the challenges we are enduring and handling there is a tomorrow who always gives hope to inspire, motivates and encourage us to continue our journey. We may encounter failures and some difficulties in our lives we must always remember that no matter how hard the situation we are crossing to there is a best solution awaits on it. We are experiencing rainy season but it is not lasting because tomorrow is waiting and the sun will rise which gives us hope so that we can continue to fight. Life is like an adventure, there is no thrill if we only experience happiness. There is no test that cannot be overcome as long as you keep fighting and always have faith in God.

As a human being, we may feel exhausted even machines/technologies experience fatigue by the reason that of too much use even though they have no life because electricity/gasoline serves and gives life to them so that they can move and act. Just like flowers, they are beautiful outside as well as inside. Flowers, like humans, grow up struggling in facing their problems. They grow, with different characteristics. They live their life. They try to avoid the most impossible things to be faced. Just like the humans, they need love and care to grow. Even though they can't talk, they try to show their emotions. A flower with a sad feeling has their head bowed down. While, a happy flower, has a happy posture.

It is okey to rest but never surrender. In the world we live in, it is inevitable that we will experience grief and sadness. In order to relieve what we feel, one of the things that gives relief, happiness and relieves sadness are flowers. Try to look at the beautiful flowers in your environment, it will surely ease the pain you feel in your heart. It make us cheerful and lively.

Ending Thoughts

An hour to count on, it's Valentine's Day Celebration. Valentine's Day is not just a date for couples/special someone but it also a date for your family and siblings. And I know that some of here are excited to receive some presents to their love ones. Advance Happy Valentine's Day to all. Love is in the air.

A friendly reminder ☺️:

"Girls, don't be jealous of other girls who will be showered with flowers, chocolates and stuffed toys or surprised by their boyfriend/ love ones tomorrow, especially if your partner doesn't have a permanent job and is still in school. Because the one who truly loves is not just only about the things and presents, true love is not a measure of giving you expensive things to show that you are loved but time, attention, communication, understanding, concern, trust, contented are the proofs that he loves you and above all, accept you for who and what you have. Appreciates and give values for those efforts that he showed on you in order for your relationship last long."

Until here my fellow readers. Thank you for stopping and reading.

All photos are mine, using my mobile phone.


Have a great and lovable Monday night to all of us.

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To my likers, subscribers, commentators and for those upvoted tips I appreciated it a lot.

And that would be all for tonight's blog.

God bless us all and more powers πŸ™

Take care and stay safe.

πŸ’• Love_Angge22😘

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$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
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1 year ago


So true friend it's not about getting flowers and gifts. It what's in the heart πŸ’œβ€οΈ

$ 0.00
1 year ago

πŸ€—β€οΈ Belated Happy Valentine's Day to you dear birthtwin.... God bless you and take care.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ka nice anang yellow nga bulak dae oy ,karon pako kita ana.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Asa ani tita kaning orchids or kaning daghang petals?

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1 year ago