How is love a sacrifice?
Before we learn in this article about how love is a sacrifice, we must first know what love is, what its types are, and whether love has any benefit or not. It is also necessary to know what is meant by sacrifice for the sake of love and who is obligated to sacrifice for the continuation of this love. Therefore, we will discuss with you in this article everything related to love and sacrifice and how this love continues
the love :
Love is defined as a set of feelings and sensations that stem from the heart that seeks to hold on to a person or thing and meet all his needs, even if at the expense of oneself. It also defines love as a great feeling that a person feels for another person or a certain thing. It is the only way to maintain the relationship between the two parties
Signs someone has fallen in love:
There are several signs or things that indicate that a person has fallen in love with another person or something. These signs are as follows: Tendencies to amplify and maximize the positive qualities possessed by the partner or the other party. We deny all the partner's flaws to increase his love and adherence to this partner. Constant thinking about a particular situation that happened between them or his consideration. Work to show his best form in front of the other party, as he always strives to be distinguished and good-looking. Work to meet and achieve all the needs of the other party, even if he is not able to. Feeling of joy and happiness when seeing the lover, the lover often cannot hide these feelings inside him, so they expose him or cause him embarrassment. Work to provide any opportunity to see the beloved with or without reason
Kinds of love:
We also know that love is the great feeling or feeling that a person has towards a particular person or thing. Love has many different types, as follows:
Self-love: is the love of a person for himself
Parental love: it is the love of sisters and parents
Also the love of friends: it is the love of colleagues.
The love of study: the love of success and continuous excellence
In addition to the love of neighbors: it is about dealing with neighbors well and wishing them well.
Husband's love: which is the mirror's love for her husband, and love for children: which is only represented around the children.
Also the love of success and progress: it revolves around the interest in success and progress.
Therefore, we find that love is multiple and different, as each type has a different meaning from the other type, but all of them refer to happiness and joy
Factors that must be present for the continuation of love:
There are many factors that must be met and that work on the continuation of love between the two parties, which are as follows:
Respect: This is one of the most important elements that work on the continuation of love between the two parties, so it must be between each other or between others
Mutual trust between the two parties: as it is the most important factor that works on the continuation of the relationship and its absence leads to the disintegration of the family
Making concessions: As making a lot of concessions leads to happiness and family love
Laughter: That is, laughter, joking and fun are among the most important causes of happiness and its continuation
How is love a sacrifice?
Sacrifice in love has different forms and shapes that vary as a result of the circumstances of the surrounding environment and the different parties as well. Sacrifice always works to maintain love and happiness between people, even if at the expense of oneself.
Forms or images of sacrifice for the sake of love, as we mentioned before that sacrifice is the jihad of the soul and spending money in order to achieve a specific goal, even if the return is the soul. Sacrifice has different forms and forms, as follows:
Sacrifice of time: as it is one of the forms in which sacrifice is represented for the continuation of love and the success of the relationship. In this way, the sacrificer seeks to spend a lot of time in order to achieve a specific goal
Sacrifice of money: It is a form of sacrifice, where in this form the person who sacrifices spends a lot of money to achieve a specific thing.
Also self-sacrifice: In this form of sacrifice, the sacrificer performs jihad and strives to achieve a certain thing, even if it is at the expense of himself.
Sacrificing privacy: In this picture, the person who sacrifices the disappearance and neglect of his privacy is a deportation to make the other party happy
Sacrifice of independent goals: in this form, the sacrificer neglects his own goals in exchange for satisfying the other party
In addition to the sacrifice of energy: as in this type the sacrifice is from both parties for the continuation of the relationship and the maintenance of the continuity of the house if they are married
Pros sacrifice in love:There are many advantages of sacrifice that work to maintain love, and they are:
Commitment: as it contributes or helps sacrifice to increase the commitment of both parties to work on the continuation of the relationship
Happiness: happiness increases for both parties as a result of the continuous sacrifice that seeks to continue love and life.
Avoid conflicts and disagreements: As each of the two parties transcends conflicts and disagreements that lead to the deterioration of life
Indeed sis.. Love always had a respect so sacrificing is always there.