How my Bitcoincash Earnings Help Me and my Family?

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Avatar for Angel_183
2 years ago
Topics: BCH, Bitcoincash

Since i read some article about the help of their Bitcoincash Earnings, let me tell the help of my Bitcoincash Earnings too.

Our Bitcoincash Earnings is super helpful in our daily needed and many more. It can help to buy the things that we need or wants, pay bill, to buy a food that we need everyday and more. We can earn and learned in using this 2 sites.

How my Bitcoincash Earnings help me and my family?

My screenshot

In paying bills - i can help my mother when they don't have a money to pay the bills. My mother didn't need to dept in the other people to pay our bills because they can borrow a money to me. They can pay it anytime they want or even not. They didn't need me to pay even they didn't have a money.

In my picture above, i give my mother worth of $70+ to pay our bills. First they said only $40 because they will pay our latest bills. They after the next day, my father said that we need to pay our old bills so i added $28+.

That time, i feel sad to give because it's too huge for me, but they said that they will pay it after my father get his salary so it's okay. Then when my father get his salary, i didn't get their money because i know they need it too.

In daily expenses - my earnings here and in noisecash can help us in our daily expenses like foods. Sometimes, when i know that my mother have a problem in money, I giving them even just small amount. I know that they need it so I'm giving them. Sometimes, my mother asking me to give them a money and I'm giving them.

In my wants and needs - of course, I'm treating my self too but it's only small πŸ˜†. I only spend 100 pesos or 200 pesos every sale of shopee. Lol. This shopee sale, i spend only 70 pesos but it's 2 items πŸ˜†. When I'm paying it, i get it in my earnings here and in noisecash. I'm using shopeepay so i didn't need to withdraw it because it's only too small. Sometimes, I withdraw worth of $10 so i can buy a food if i want like ice cream or delicious snacks that i can eat in afternoon πŸ˜†.

When I have sick - when i have sick before because of UTI, the money that we used to pay the doctor, medicine, and X-ray is from my earnings. Not all is in my earnings because the other is from my brother too. I think, i withdraw $60 (not sure because I'm not remember it) then my brother give is $40 (not sure too).

My tummy is really hurt and when I'm in tricycle, my tummy is hurting because we are up and down. I don't know what will i do before to forget the pain. Thanks to my Bitcoincash Earnings and to my brother, my UTI already gone and not hurting anymore.

In helping my auntie - yesterday, we give worth of $20 for my auntie from my earnings here. It's my auntie from my father in the province. Actually, it's for my mother for groceries but my father said that just give it to her siblings that is asking for money. My father withdraw the money then they give it using smart padala.

That's the help of my earnings here and in noisecash. When I'm not discovered this 2 sites, I can't help my parents when they need a money. I can give them if they have a problem in money or there's emergency that we need a money. I'm super happy that i found this 2 sites because even I'm students, i can help my parents in their needs and my wants too. I can buy the things i need in school or the food that i want to eat.

Sponsors of Angel_183

It's already the end of my article. I want to said thank you for all of your support to me. Thank you to all users upvoting my article, viewing and reading my nonsense article, and to all users entertaining me in the comment section. Last but not the list is to all my sponsors hereπŸ’š. Super thank you to all your support

$ 4.76
$ 4.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @dziefem
$ 0.10 from @John28
+ 3
Sponsors of Angel_183
Avatar for Angel_183
2 years ago
Topics: BCH, Bitcoincash


BCH is really helping us even in our daily needs and mostly it can help lessen the burden of our family in paying all the monthly dues... Good thing you are a big help to your parents now baby

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, buti nga po ngayon kahit papaano nakaka tulong dinπŸ’š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true at naiibsan ang burdens nang family kasi nakakatulong ka na sa kanila..keep it up baby

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naks naman tong batang to. Nakakatulong na sa magulang when it comes to financial. πŸ’— more bch comes to you! 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehehe thanks youπŸ˜πŸ’š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super helful talaga ng earnings natin haha

Pero ako di ko alam kung saan ko ginastos yung akinπŸ˜‚. Siguro sa NFT at pinambili ko ng pet sa laro ko haha....sabi kona wala talaga akong ambagπŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako di na active sa pagbibili at pagbebenta ng nftπŸ˜†

$ 0.00
2 years ago