3 weeks of Break, Time to Answer my Modules!

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Avatar for Angel_183
2 years ago
Topics: School

If you didn't know, I'm in my second year in high school or a Grade 8 student. Yeah, that's right!! I'm only Grade 8 student and only 13 years oldπŸ™ˆ. Too young, right?

2 weeks for Health Break from January 17 up to January 29, 2022.

3 weeks ago, our school announced that we have a school break for 2 weeks. They announced that we don't have classes from January 17, 2022, to January 29, 2022.

It's because of the COVID-19 surge. Many people have colds, coughs, and flu. One in our family has sick until all of us have a cough and cold. We don't think it's COVID because of the cold weather in the first month of the year. I think all of the people in our area have a cough, cold, and flu too.

Then a few days, our school declared that we don't have a class for 2 weeks πŸ₯³πŸ˜‚. I'm so happy at that time because I can go to our house and watch them working (our house is not yet finished on that day.) I can help in cleaning our house too and moving our stuff.

I think it's only in public school and not all private schools have a health break because my brother and sister are in the same school in private school and they don't have a class for only 3 days.

Lucky me that I'm in public school and I'm in high school. My siblings also want to have a break but their school only gives them 3 daysπŸ˜‚.

While another 1 week is our Mid-Year break

I'm not expecting that we still have a Mid-Year break because I think they removed it. After all, the start of school is too late. We have a Mid-Year break from January 31, 2022, up to February 5, 2022.

I don't have anything to do and no homework for 3 weeks. Our teachers didn't send any documents that we need to answer and performance tasks that we need to make. We just take a rest and relax πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚.

Now, it's already February 07, 2022, and our school is back again. Time to do all of my tasks. Our teachers started to send all the documents that we need to answer and the performance task that we need to do for that subject πŸ˜₯. Time to do all my homework and prepare my hand to write and write until my hand will give up🀣.

I'm so happy about our 3 weeks break because at least my mind is not stressed in all of my homework. I'm satisfied with the 3 weeks break and it's time to do all of my unfinished tasks.

I'm writing this article at 3:00 pm and will take a rest and began to answer some of the assignments that I can. Hopefully that my laziness will not hit meπŸ˜‚. Okay bye!! See you again in my next article!! Thanks for reading πŸ’š

$ 1.18
$ 1.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Angel_183
2 years ago
Topics: School


Oh I will always remember that you are very very young. I am admire you because the composition of your article seems matured, it sounded like an adult. You are really good. Goodluck to your modules and study good!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will be happy too friend if we have 3 weeks break because my mind can rest and lessen my stress too. It gives me a peace of mind and it will serve the preparation for the upcoming classes.

Fighting my friend! You can make it. God bless your studies always.πŸ™πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are too young hehehe i wasn't expecting that you could be of only 13 years, it's the start of your teenage. Well be safe from covid19 enjoy holidays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago