Filipinos Are Now Crying For Help!

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Avatar for AngelLeb
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Life, Economics, Experiences, Help, ...

Authorities are now struggling to rescue residents that were affected from Typhoon Ulysses that hit the country on November 11, Wednesday night. The massive flood affected many lives, many lost their houses and sadly, some lost their lives, fighting the cold and hunger.

They are asking help on social media, waiting rescue onto rooftops. Some used plastic materials as a way to evacuate to safety. The flood passed on the first floor of any house that made everyone surprised. A few individuals were as of now enduring from hypothermia, or the condition of having a really low body temperature due to solid winds and downpours.

The rescuers 50 rubber boats were insufficient to the calls of the people asking for help.

Among those stranded were senior citizens, PWD's, and toodlers.

Many families were without control as individuals swam through surges, carrying things that are valuable and house pets. According to another article, one news,

Members of the Philippine Coast Watch had to swim in floodwaters as tall as power posts, whereas protect laborers utilized elastic pontoons and temporary drifts to carry children and the elderly to security.

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Avatar for AngelLeb
3 years ago
Topics: Health, Life, Economics, Experiences, Help, ...


I feel the pain and suffering of our fellow. But what i don't like to hear are the blamings to our President.

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3 years ago

And guess what's happening with sierra madre. The kaliwa dam will damage it's biodiversity!

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3 years ago

Take note, the government defunded project NOAH.

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3 years ago

Because he is the leader. He is the one who has the highest position to give a command to take action and to rescue our fellow countrymen. What made people disappointed was instead of saying that he'd swim for the people, they needed his power to command the people under him.

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3 years ago