Tips for a healthy pregnancy

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3 years ago

Every pregnant woman should first and foremost listen and listen to herself and her body, what she likes and what she does not, and she regularly consults her doctor about all questions and dilemmas, without shame and hesitation.

Every pregnant woman knows how deep the sea of ​​advice about pregnancy is, who was showered with her recommendations, stories, and warnings by mothers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, and aunts, in the best intention for everything to be "as it should be". The care of the immediate and extended family about the pregnant woman is of course welcome, but sometimes it can be exhausting and confusing, especially when the advice is interwoven with different folk beliefs, which usually have a completely rational root and explanation, but invisible at first glance.

A pregnant woman, especially a first-born, is irresistible for advice to her colleagues and friends, who have a habit of spreading terrible stories about pregnancy and childbirth, full of birth pains and torments, also with the best intentions. Add to that the abundance of articles in women's magazines, which include advice that an ordinary pregnant woman simply cannot follow, for example, to eat exotic fruits that she has never heard of before, or to use preparations that are not even sold in her city. the confusion grows, and the questions of the pregnant woman from the series "do I act properly" multiply...

Preparing for pregnancy

Before pregnancy, it is important to go to the gynecologist for a complete examination, to check the condition of the cervix, uterus, and ovaries. Also, it is recommended to have a complete systematic examination, to go to the dentist, to consult a doctor about the medications you are possibly taking, but also to check whether you have had smallpox...

Good parenting begins before the child is conceived

Some substances that the partners used just before conception, can negatively affect the health of the future child. These are primarily alcohol, cigarette poisons, narcotics, but also some drugs. It is also desirable for future parents to think about their condition and switch to a healthy diet, and cleanse the body of toxins.

It is known that the fetus draws energy and nutrients from the mother's body from the beginning of pregnancy, which is necessary for its development. To satisfy the increased need for iron, iodine, folic acid, it is best to start pregnancy with a good supply. They are not created overnight, but it takes three to six months to create good reserves in the future mother.

During pregnancy, you should stop unhealthy habits (cigarettes, alcohol), increase the number of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, limit the intake of saturated fats and thus ensure that the future mother's body has enough vitamins and minerals. Some nutritionists recommend that seafood be consumed before conception because it contains a large amount of iodine. After all, these foods are not recommended during pregnancy and are classified as a risk group. If you don't like them, you should know that iodine is also found in milk, yogurt, and eggs.

Nutrition in pregnancy

The general rule is that the future mother should not eat for two, but she should eat twice as well. Smaller and more frequent meals, foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins are taken for granted. And since pregnancy is a process, different from month to month, the diet should be adjusted to those stages, and non-recommended foods and those that are not pleasant in pregnancy should be avoided...

When the baby is on the road?

The future mother should be informed about all phases of that important joint trip, from month to month. The goal of awareness is for the pregnant woman to do everything necessary for herself and her fetus, not to neglect her body and the whole organism, taking care of the baby. Her first and most important consultant is the doctor who manages the pregnancy. We have already said that he should write down all questions and dilemmas, for easier communication with the doctor.

A pregnant woman is a sensitive being, who takes care of two, and sometimes three, four, and must behave responsibly. Sometimes, especially in times of various viruses, it is wise to avoid public gatherings, buses, stuffy rooms full of people, for the reason of not picking up a virus. She should not visit sick people, and they must not be angry, because she must be protected.

Medications: Even the most harmless medications and preparations should not be taken by a pregnant woman on her own, without consulting a doctor, who will tell you what to do and what not to use during pregnancy.

Stress: Stress should be minimized during pregnancy and enjoy this special and exceptional period of life, believing in the ability of your own body to give birth to another wonderful child, because childbirth is in most cases a natural, normal and healthy event. Avoid stressful situations, and remove people in your environment who annoy you, make you angry, make you restless, or simply do not understand your condition, without worrying about your conscience. A pregnant woman has the right to her own peace, understanding and the last thing she needs is anxiety, worry, harassment, and other negative feelings.

Rest: Relaxation is very important in pregnancy and includes night rest, afternoon rest, but also at other times of the day. Sleeping, napping, lying down is a need that the future mother should afford, for the well-being of her baby and herself. Also, if he does some work, be it just washing the dishes, it is normal for him to take breaks that he would not otherwise take. The same goes for walking - feel free to stand, sit, take a break.

Physical activity: All physical activity, exercises, sports, and other activities that require effort or risk, the pregnant woman should plan with her doctor, listen to her body, and do only what she likes. The advice is often very different, it varies not only from country to country but also from doctor to doctor, so the future mother must make the right decision about the amount and type of physical activity.

Communication with the baby: The future mother communicates with her baby in many ways, nutrition, dynamics, emotions, touching the belly. Communication must be stress-free, positive, and gentle. A pregnant woman can talk to her baby, listen to music, walk in the sun, sing.

Communication with family members: If a pregnant woman already has children, she should explain her condition to them and actively involve them in anticipation of a happy event, in an age-appropriate way. Closeness with the baby's father is important, but also information, so the future mother should actively involve the future father in everything that happens to her, to share with him all those important moments, such as, for example, movement...

Preparing for childbirth

Childbirth is a natural, normal event. A well-prepared future mother expects him happily, without much fear, because she knows all the "steps and stages". Proper breathing is important, and techniques are different for different phases of this great event. Psychophysical preparation for childbirth is acquired through exercise, reading, consultations with a doctor, but also through relaxed behavior.

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Avatar for Andjela99
3 years ago


every pregnant should be in healthier condition

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is such an informative article with the whole details

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You made a very important post. Everyone needs to know these words. Especially pregnant women. Every pregnant woman should pay special attention to her later side. To give this importance, she should always take the advice of a doctor. Thank you very much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Healthy pregnancy tips are most important for a mother. Its helps to bron a healthy and happy baby. Great work. Thanks for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

For those of you who want to have a baby, I hope you will follow this advice throughout your pregnancy journey.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Healthy Pregnancy Tips Tips are very important and necessary for people, thank you for letting me know how to get pregnant well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it is very important how the season feels and behaves in pregnancy. Eating only healthy foods is very important. But it is also important that the whole pregnancy passes with the least stress. You wrote this great. I am new here, I hope you will not support it when I write my first article

$ 0.00
3 years ago