All the benefits of aloe vera: Here's why every house should have it!

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3 years ago

Aloe vera originates from North Africa, looks like a cactus, and is a very popular and medicinal plant. Due to its healing properties, aloe vera has wide applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Known as the elixir of youth, this plant has a great impact on health and today is used as a folk remedy for various diseases. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and E, as well as zinc. It has an antibacterial action and therefore successfully prevents all types of infections.

The healing properties of aloe vera have been known since ancient times and successfully help in the treatment of burns, cuts, stings, radiation consequences, as well as for face and body care and other dermatological problems.

Today, aloe vera is used to treat the most harmless allergies and skin infections, all the way to the most serious brushes such as asthma, diabetes, bronchitis, cancer, and the like. It also helps with high blood cholesterol, anemia, insomnia, and depression.

It is an indispensable ingredient in many face creams and body lotions, it is excellent in the treatment of acne and as protection against the sun, and due to its characteristics, it is often found in deodorants.

We should not leave out that this plant is also very nutritious. In combination with various fruits, you will get an invigorating drink rich in vitamins and minerals.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is mostly used as a gel today. The gel was obtained from the inside of the leaves of this plant, and it was found to contain as many as 250 medicinal ingredients. In addition to having a beneficial effect on our skin, it also contains ingredients that help cleanse the body and harmonize all our immune mechanisms. It also helps with inflammatory processes, against viruses, bacteria, fungi and to strengthen immunity.

The outer leaves of aloe vera are the thickest and are therefore full of gel. In order to separate the gel for use, you need to cut a leaf with a scissors or a knife, at the bottom of the plant. Then, wash the leaf well and cut thin edges of the leaf and cut in half with a knife. Remove the gel from the leaves with a clean spoon.

You can grow aloe vera yourself in your home, and below you can find out how.

In addition to its powerful healing properties, aloe vera can be grown as a houseplant in a pot. It is stored on the sunny south or east side of the window, because the size of the plant and the amount of aloin in the leaves is proportional to the amount of light that the plant receives. Aloin is the most important ingredient in this plant. Older plants prefer the sun, while younger plants prefer shade. After the winter, the plant should be taken out of the closed room, but it should not be directly exposed to the sun so that the leaves do not turn yellow.

You can plant aloe vera in a wider and shallower pot because it has a shallow root, 20cm - 30cm. At the bottom of the pot for growing aloe, it is necessary to lay a layer of stones, then a layer of sand and only then add the soil. Containers should be a quarter filled with drainage material and compost because such a planting system is closest to its natural environment.

It is very important that the pot has a hole at the bottom, through which excess water can flow, so that the root does not rot. Then the plant gives a very diluted gel and becomes moist and flabby, which is a sign of improper watering. Excess water from the saucer should be removed regularly.

The ideal temperature for growing as a houseplant is: During the day: 20 ° C to 24 ° C, and at night: 10 ° C to 14 ° C

Aloe vera leaf contains as much as 95% water, so due to the danger of freezing, the temperature must not fall below 5 ° C. When you bring it into the house in the winter, make sure that it is not in the living room, but in the hall or in a colder room. It should not be watered more than once a week because this plant does not tolerate much moisture. During the winter, when all metabolic processes of the plant are slowed down, it should be watered once a month.

In the spring, it feeds on fertilizers rich in phosphorus and encourages flowering during June. It should be fertilized during the growing season by mixing the soil with gravel and 30% compost. Some fans of this plant also add humus from the oak leaves of lalp to improve its growth.

Propagation of aloe vera is the planting of shoots, where the shoot or bud is carefully separated from the bottom and planted. They can be transplanted when they grow 2.5cm to 5cm. The best time is in May and June. When growing the plant, aloe vera should be transplanted in the spring or before flowering.

The lifespan of aloe vera is on average 12 years, but after 4 years, they reach maturity and are ready to be picked. They are harvested every 6 - 8 weeks, removing 3 - 4 end leaves at the bottom, so that the total amount of gel remains in the leaf until the moment of processing. The leaves are handled gently to prevent damage to the outer bark.

20 applications of aloe vera that will surprise you

There are many ways to use aloe vera from which the body and mind can benefit greatly.

This plant was called the "plant of immortality" by the ancient Egyptians, and is known by the Americans as "Wand of the Heaven".

Aloe vera has a unique composition and medicinal properties that are increasingly surprising scientists.

The magic formula of aloe vera is a juicy and transparent gel that is found in its large green leaves.

This gel contains over 200 beneficial active ingredients such as anthraquinone, amino acids, enzymes, lignin, sterols, saponins, vitamins and minerals.

Some ingredients of aloe vera are not yet known to science.

Practical application of aloe vera in everyday life

1. Reduces pain and itching caused by insect bites

Applying a chilled gel to the bite site relaxes and soothes the sore spot.

Aloe vera

One of the most healing plants on our planet!

Large selection and reasonable prices.

2. Minimizes tissue damage caused by frostbite

Treat the damaged tissue twice a day with aloe gel or juice squeezed from the leaves of the plant.

3. Helps with skin rashes and allergic reactions

If you are unable to obtain the gel you can also use aloe extract. Apply it at least three times a day on the area affected by the rash.

4. Suppresses the herpes virus

Apply aloe vera lotion on the herpes sore and leave to dry. This will alleviate the effects of the herpes outbreak.

5. Reduces acne problems and the appearance of annoying pimples

Apply clean gel immediately after washing and cleansing the skin.

6. Relieves symptoms of psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema

Aloe is a real nectar for the skin. It has a soothing effect, cleanses the skin of impurities, disinfects and accelerates healing.

7. Clean the body inside and out

The lotion, gel and shampoo can be applied topically to cleanse and care for the skin and hair. Oral intake of aloe vera helps detoxify the digestive tract and blood.

8. Reduces pigmentation and dark spots on the skin

If you have problems with an uneven complexion, regularly apply aloe vera gel or cream to problem areas.

9. Massage the skin with aloe vera peeling

Make your own natural body scrub! Stir in two tablespoons of aloe vera gel, a teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of brown sugar. Massage well into the skin, then wash with lukewarm water.

10. A burn preparation that you can make yourself

Mix wheat germ oil and aloe gel and treat the burnt area with it.

11. Recipe against sunburn

Mix 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour, 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of aloe gel. Apply the mixture on the skin and rinse after 30 min.

12. Superior skin care

Aloe gel and juice hydrate and soften the skin. Apply it on the face and after 20 minutes rinse with plain water.

13. Protection against scars and stretch marks

Mix 2 cups sea salt, 1 cup coconut oil, 1 cup aloe vera and 2 cups honey. Apply the mixture on the body and leave it on for half an hour. Then rinse.

14. Skin rejuvenation

If applied regularly, this plant contributes to a youthful appearance, relieves skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

15. Skin care after shaving

Aloe vera gel is an excellent prepa better hair appearance

Aloe vera accelerates hair growth and gives it a silky shine. Massage the scalp with aloe vera preparations, then rinse your hair well.

16. Faster growth and better hair appearance

Aloe vera accelerates hair growth and gives it a silky shine. Massage the scalp with aloe vera preparations, then rinse your hair well.

17. Helps against asthma

Inhaling the steam of aloe vera leaves cooked in water has been proven to relieve asthma.

18. Reduces blood sugar levels

Aloe vera juices lower blood sugar levels which is very beneficial for diabetics.

19. Naturally nourishes teeth

Using aloe vera toothpaste keeps teeth healthy and strengthens gums.

20. Miraculous healing properties for the whole organism!

When used internally, aloe vera relieves indigestion, heartburn, ulcers, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections, colitis, prostate problems, rheumatism and arthritis.

"There are four plants that are necessary for man: wheat, grapes, olives and aloe. The first nourishes, the second gives joy to the heart, the third ensures harmony, and the fourth makes man healthy."

The author


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Avatar for Andjela99
3 years ago


Some people say Christ's body was covered with fat of aloe vera and preserved body from many wounds. Also Alexander the Great is healed with this magical plant and recovered his wound so quickly.

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3 years ago