What is the way to success?

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2 years ago

What is the way to success? Life isn’t easy but I found myself wondering whether life was too difficult for me and my fellow humans or not. Is today the hardest moment ever experienced by mankind? Success does take effort however nobody seems to want to bother and invest their resources in it. Those who succeed enjoy things like fame, wealth, power, and influence without having to put forth a lot of effort or sacrifices and they seldom understand the challenges faced by normal citizens before them.

First of all, I want to mention that each works differently on his/her path in life. For some, it happens spontaneously and naturally, whereas for other people it takes lots of effort and tries until they get successful. Success and personal achievements depend mostly on two factors: motivation and chance...Motivation comes first before any particular thing starts happening. Chance decides what happens in our lifetime.

When people try to become successful in life, they want to find out if they need to adjust some of their goals, whether it means working harder or learning new skills to reach the goal faster. Success comes through a lot of hard work. Hard work usually starts in childhood, before you turn twelve, when you start school. You may start going to school earlier once you decide to attend university rather than drop out of middle school at thirteen. It takes an average person five attempts to learn anything new. By then, he or she realizes that it wasn’t meant to come easily. Getting there first goes beyond ability but gets us closer to success. Being able to set realistic expectations helps too; we mustn’t expect to win the lottery immediately.

Success should depend on each individual. Every single person can become successful in life through his efforts. You cannot change anyone else’s mind, or persuade him by force. You can influence another person by convincing her of the truth instead of demanding one. People choose to follow you based on whether or not they agree with your ideas/point of view rather than depending on brute persuasion. Being persuasive allows you to convince others of your point of view while listening intently to yourself. We all believe we deserve success. But usually, our standards differ. And what works for one person may not work for someone else. Every single person can become successful in life through his efforts. The definition of success varies greatly among different people. I am convinced I want to pursue medicine yet I must realize there could be other options available to me such as becoming an engineer.

Persistence is key. Everyone has tried something else before reaching a goal, almost everyone fails once they try, then succeeds again through persistence. Most successful persons have had failures along the road to achievement. Success comes from dedication, commitment, perseverance, and patience. Success sometimes comes too late. Most successful persons fail multiple times. Some never experience success until near the grave. Success depends mostly on yourself and not on parents and friends. You determine whether you will become famous or notorious.No one person ever becomes rich all by himself, but nearly everyone becomes wealthy through diligent application of his talents. You must learn to apply yourself to whatever career interests you; otherwise you waste valuable time wondering what profession you should pursue instead of focusing intensively on mastering that field of endeavor. Remember that the average businessman loses three-fourths of capital invested and that the majority of failures come from trying new ventures rather than lack of ability.

How many times did we hear people saying “I tried my best, I worked hard but life got away from me!” The number could probably add up to countless numbers for us. We sometimes wish that some of these events were just random chances rather than fate. But the truth is that success is determined by luck, chance, timing, persistence, energy, opportunity, and many other factors besides intelligence, talent, motivation, ability, and work ethic. According to Thomas Frank, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad (2004), our society promotes individualism through the notion of "laziness" -the idea that one must earn everything he/she gets, i.e., either work harder and longer hours or else fail. This implies that failure is inevitable so there's no need to worry too much about working diligently toward goals; instead, just try to look busy and you'll likely achieve greatness.

Success comes in three forms: achievement, accomplishment, and mastery. Some people call them milestones along the path of life. They look back on past achievements and ask how far they have come toward reaching goals. For some people, having personal challenges presents a new avenue for development through achieving goals and accomplishments. Finally, mastering a subject offers satisfaction and meaning because you have mastered that field. Many students seek grades over learning.

The most important thing in life is to strive for personal goals. The goal should never change for the individual throughout his/her lifetime. Being successful involves staying constant and working toward achieving your goals despite challenges that arise along the way. When you decide to set out to accomplish some specific task, you need to realize that you cannot reach every single goal simultaneously. Rather, you have a chance to pick your favorites first and focus your attention on them fully. Sugar cravings happen due to lack of sleep. You can overcome cravings easily because during periods of sleeplessness serotonin levels in the brain drop significantly. To eliminate sugar cravings and related weight gain one must restrict intake of high-calorie sweeteners containing fructose (such as glucose syrup) which makes your brain crave sweets. Another solution could be drinking ginger tea before going to bed. Ginger contains a compound called citrulline. This substance boosts melatonin levels.

There are different ways to become successful. No matter what sort of career path you choose, try to look out for opportunities. You need to work hard to acquire knowledge, develop new ideas, meet new people, etc., which will enable you to reach goals once you start working. To be honest, it takes a lot of courage to face rejection and ridicule. This ability to accept criticism enables us to grow. Some critics have helped some entrepreneurs find great products since they give feedback. Everyone needs guidance to be successful. You need mentors whether your goal is to build a company, write books, create music, teach students, design websites, etc. As there are plenty of experts around, seek assistance. Also, ask questions, learn all you can, listen carefully and absorb advice from everyone! Don’t be afraid of asking stupid questions – that’s how we learn.

Success comes from having two characteristics: ability and willingness. You need abilities and desire; otherwise, you wouldn't do anything worthwhile, regardless of whether it was difficult or easy for you to accomplish. Success is easier for some people than for others. But anyone will fail unless they try first! The third attribute of successful people – putting forth maximum effort – applies particularly here. When we speak in terms of "success," "willingness" becomes important too. Many people say that success begins with a plan but ends unfulfilled because it lacks commitment. But some people who give up easily never manage to achieve any significant goals in life, except perhaps passing tests and filling out forms. They want immediate rewards. They haven't got the guts to stick it out during hard times. If that's what you're looking for, stop reading now... No one succeeds overnight -- every day counts.

Being intelligent helps people build successful careers. Many intelligent managers have had successful career paths in various fields including science, medicine, engineering, architecture, and marketing. Other examples include Bill Gates Microsoft founder and Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO. Having a creative mind is important for anyone looking for a long-term successful career. Most jobs require creativity in some aspect of their duties. This includes writers, artists, and architects among many others. Hard-working people tend to become successful through sheer luck rather than intelligence. According to Forbes magazine's 2016 list of highest-earning CEOs, four were women. Those top five executive positions all belonged to women. Women hold one-third of all chief executive ships according to Catalyst Research and Women in Executive Leadership.

Having weighed up all arguments, we can conclude that hard work is the way to success.

Thank you!!!

(The End)

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Written by
2 years ago


Ability , willingness are compulsory elements to success but proper environment , hardwork , consistency and determination also required to get the destination. Welcome to readcash!!?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very true, we can only succeed when we first believe we can, be persistent in fighting to be victorious and successful and also avoid procrastination.

$ 0.01
2 years ago