People think that bullying stops after
leave school,
But if you believe that then you're an
optimistic fool,
For little bullies grow up and rarely drop
the trait,
To make a bigger mess of life that is
their pending fate.
All that angst or unresolved issues are
still there waiting,
Unless shown love or the error of their
ways it's unabating,
So we need to stamp it out and teach the
bullies right,
That extends to social media abuse on
any website.
Bullying is harassment or threat and
even physical abuse,
Some can't keep their mouths or fists
under control they let loose,
And feel it's better for them to have rid of the pent up emotion,
Explode with calculated or thoughtless
word or act like an exploding sun.
Well hurray for them if they are less
fraught for its shedding,
But what about the poor recipient whos's
been dreading,
The abuse? it's so selfish the bully thinks
only of their own need,
We need to help them see early on how to
change and sow that seed.
So bullies I offer you my pity and would
change your tired act,
I'd make you recognise the hurt or
damage you cause by lack of tact,
The pain and suffering that ensues and
make you own the cause,
Because you see the bully in me puts the
blame mostly as yours.
I know there's more to it than that and
you probably need aid,
Who knows the many ways that all these
bullies can be made,
Now more than ever with lots of easy
vices or immense peer pressure,
We need to all stay vigilant and teach or
help bullies find a cure.