Fetal development

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2 years ago
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How we start our life?

Within 24 hours after fertilization, the egg that will become a baby rapidly divides into many cells. By the eighth week of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. There are about 40 weeks to a typical pregnancy. These weeks are divided into three trimesters.but i simplify steps by steps how life start,


  1. Insemination- deposition of the sperm cell in the female genital tract.

  2. Ovum or egg cell- female sex cell or female gamate

  3. Oogenesis- development and maturation of ovum

  4. Ovulation- release of ovum from the ovary

  5. Spermatozoa or sperm cell- male sex cell or male gamate

  6. Spermatogenesis- maturation of sperm

First trimester

The first trimester will span from conception to 12 weeks. This is generally the first three months of pregnancy. During this trimester, the fertilized egg will change from a small grouping of cells to a fetus that is starting to have a baby’s features.

Month 1 (first week up to 4 weeks)

As the fertilized egg grows, a water-tight sac forms around it, gradually filling with fluid. This is called the amniotic sac, and it helps cushion the growing embryo.

During this time, the placenta also develops. The placenta is a round, flat organ that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus, and transfers wastes from the fetus. Think of the placenta as a food source for the fetus throughout your pregnancy.

In these first few weeks, a primitive face will take form with large dark circles for eyes. The mouth, lower jaw and throat are developing. Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. The tiny "heart" tube will beat 65 times a minute by the end of the fourth week.

By the end of the first month, the fetus is about 1/4 inch long – smaller than a grain of rice.

Month 2 (fifth weeks up to eight week)

Facial features continue to develop. Each ear begins as a little fold of skin at the side of the head. Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes and eyes are also forming.

The neural tube (brain, spinal cord and other neural tissue of the central nervous system) is well formed now. The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop too. Bone starts to replace cartilage.

The head is large in proportion to the rest of the body at this point. At about 6 weeks, a heartbeat can usually be detected.

After the 8th week, healthcare providers refer to it as a fetus instead of an embryo.

By the end of the second month, the fetus is about 1 inch long and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce.

Month 3 (nine weeks up to twelve weeks)

The arms, hands, fingers, feet and toes are fully formed. At this stage, the fetus is starting to explore a bit by doing things like opening and closing its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming under the gums. The reproductive organs also develop, but gender is still difficult to distinguish on ultrasound.

By the end of the third month, the fetus is fully formed. All the organs and limbs (extremities) are present and will continue to develop in order to become functional. The circulatory and urinary systems are also working and the liver produces bile.

At the end of the third month, the fetus is about 4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce.

Since the most critical development has taken place, your chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.

Second trimester

This middle section of pregnancy is often thought of as the best part of the experience. By this time, any morning sickness is probably gone and the discomfort of early pregnancy has faded. The fetus will start to develop facial features during this month. You may also start to feel movement as the fetus flips and turns in the uterus. During this trimester, many people find out whether their baby will be designated male or female at birth. This is typically done during an anatomy scan (an ultrasound that checks physical development) around 20 weeks.

Month 4 (13 weeks to 16 weeks)

The fetal heartbeat may now be audible through an instrument called a doppler. The fingers and toes are well-defined. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and hair are formed. Teeth and bones become denser. The fetus can even suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch and make faces.

The nervous system is starting to function. The reproductive organs and genitalia are now fully developed, and your doctor can see on ultrasound if the fetus will be designated male or female at birth.

By the end of the fourth month, the fetus is about 6 inches long and weighs about 4 ounces.

Month 5 (17 to 20 weeks)

At this stage, you may begin to feel the fetus moving around. The fetus is developing muscles and exercising them. This first movement is called quickening and can feel like a flutter.

Hair begins to grow on the head. The shoulders, back and temples are covered by a soft fine hair called lanugo. This hair protects the fetus and is usually shed at the end of your baby's first week of life.

The skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa. This "cheesy" substance is thought to protect fetal skin from the long exposure to the amniotic fluid. This coating is shed just before birth.

By the end of the fifth month, the fetus is about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.

Month 6 (21 weeks to 24 weeks)

If you could look inside the uterus right now, you would see that the fetus's skin is reddish in color, wrinkled and veins are visible through translucent skin. The finger and toe prints are visible. In this stage, the eyelids begin to part and the eyes open.

The fetus responds to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse. You may notice jerking motions if the fetus hiccups.

If born prematurely, your baby may survive after the 23rd week with intensive care.

By the end of the sixth month, the fetus is about 12 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.

Month 7 (25 to 28 weeks)

The fetus continues to mature and develop reserves of body fat. At this point, hearing is fully developed. The fetus changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain and light. The amniotic fluid begins to diminish.

If born prematurely, your baby would be likely to survive after the seventh month.

At the end of the seventh month, the fetus is about 14 inches long and weighs from 2 to 4 pounds.

Third trimester

This is the final part of your pregnancy. You may be tempted to start the countdown till your due date and hope that it would come early, but each week of this final stage of development helps the fetus prepare for birth. Throughout the third trimester, the fetus gains weight quickly, adding body fat that will help after birth.

Remember, even though popular culture only mentions nine months of pregnancy, you may actually be pregnant for 10 months. The typical, full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, which can take you into a tenth month. It’s also possible that you can go past your due date by a week or two (41 or 42 weeks). Your healthcare provider will monitor you closely as you approach your due date. If you pass your due date, and don’t go into spontaneous labor, your provider may induce you. This means that medications will be used to make you go into labor and have the baby. Make sure to talk to your healthcare provider during this trimester about your birth plan.

Month 8 (29 to 32 weeks)

The fetus continues to mature and develop reserves of body fat. You may notice more kicking. The brain developing rapidly at this time, and the fetus can see and hear. Most internal systems are well developed, but the lungs may still be immature.

The fetus is about 18 inches long and weighs as much as 5 pounds.

Month 9 (33 to 36 weeks)

During this stage, the fetus continues to grow and mature. The lungs are close to being fully developed at this point.

The fetus has coordinated reflexes and can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light and touch.

The fetus is about 17 to 19 inches long and weighs from 5 ½ pounds to 6 ½ pounds.

Month 10 (37 to 40 weeks)

In this final month, you could go into labor at any time. You may notice that less movement because space is tight. At this point, The fetus's position may have changed to prepare for birth. Ideally, it's head down in your uterus. You may feel very uncomfortable in this final stretch of time as the fetus drops down into your pelvis and prepares for birth.

Your baby is ready to meet the world at this point. They are about 18 to 20 inches long and weigh about 7 pounds.

Welcome the true world with presence of God

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Avatar for Amz
Written by
2 years ago


Your indeed knowledgeable with this matter mamsh, are you an OBGYNE? bayun? Hehe correct me if I'm wrong. This is very informative and quiet interesting 💕

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2 years ago

Thank you but I'm not ob, I'm proud midwife

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User's avatar Amz
2 years ago