Things That Will Make You More Productive Than Before

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Productivity

This past few days, I feel like I am not that productive and been wasting so much of my time for unnecessary things. I am becoming lazy and just want to lie on my bed scrolling in my social media accounts or just watching my favorite drama in our television. I know, that shouldn't be the case for someone who have the desire of reaching her goals in life. Laziness shouldn't be tolerated, instead hardwork and a great enthusiasm must be the priority.

That's why, to somehow break this lazy behavior of mine, I came across different articles and videos regarding productivity and being responsible.

In this article, I will share what I've learned about the things that will make us productive than ever.

So, let's start....

1. Make a plan

Making a plan the night before the day you will execute it is somehow effective especially if you want a productive day. Let's say for example, I wrote down every night about the things that I will need to do the next day, so that when that day comes I will no longer have to think about what should I work on because I already planned it. In addition to that, I can also think about what should I do first, the most important things perhaps, and the less essential things I can do maybe on my remaining time. Making a plan not just make our day organized but it also make us feel productive because we have a goal needed to be accomplished in a particular day.

2. Jump straight into action

Instead of doing unnecessary things like chit-chatting, playing in mobile phones, watching dramas in television and small talk just to delay yourself before doing your important works are the enemies of being productive. I even experienced that one, and you know what? I always end up not doing the important tasks I have because the laziness already enter my system and I will rather do unnecessary stuffs that made me waste my time. If you have important things to do, jump into action immediately and avoid doing bunch of craps.

3. Eliminate distractions

If you think that something distracts you, please eliminate it as soon as possible. If you know that your smartphone might distract you from doing your assignments or paperworks then place it away from you. This what I observed to some students who end procrastinating because instead of doing their school stuffs, they got distracted by their phones and end up scrolling in their social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. My simple advices to avoid being distracted are; be in a peaceful and quiet place, take away all the distractions, remember your goals you need to achieve and in relation to the previous tip, get straight into action.

4. Don't consume too much information

More is not always better. Instead of reading too much articles about your work, focus on those useful things you can apply for you to be more productive. Instead of reading too much articles and watching bunch of video tutorials that will just make you consume more of your time, start working rather. You can't even process tons of information at the same time, so just pick what's important and try to apply it in your work. Just like what Darious Foroux said, "STOP CONSUMING, START CREATING."

5. Learn to say "NO"

You don't have to grant everyone's request especially if you have important works to be accomplished. I think it's okay to refuse especially if you think that those things everyone's asking you to do will just make you fall into procrastination. I know there are times that we can't say no to someone we really value as a friend, family or boss, but as long as those requests are important and urgent and doesn't make you feel abused, then definitely you can say "yes." But, if those request are purely for fun and entertainment or seems to be abusive that will surely interfere negatively to your works, then you can say "no" and rather work on your priority lists.

6. Create routines

Make a routine that seems to be very beneficial in your day-to-day life. Plan first about what you can effectively do as your routine everyday, and never think of those as difficult tasks because as time passes by, those will turned into habits you can't refuse to do. Instead of having unproductive routines everyday like watching tv first thing in the morning, go to shopping, eat in fast food chain or restaurant, using smartphones to check on social media accounts, hanging out with friends and so on, why not try waking-up early, eating breakfast, taking a bath, exercising, taking a break, start doing important works, read books during free time, explore on new things, have fun for the remaining time, create a plan or to-do list for the next day, and sleep early. It's better to practice useful routines that are relevant to productivity rather than getting used to unnecessary stuffs that will just make you feel lazy all the time.

7. Take a break

Resting for a while from all the stressful stuffs must also take into consideration because a tired mind and body will just make you stay unfocused to do such things. If you feel exhausted then rest even for about 5 minutes every 30-45 minutes. Stretch your back, drink water, take a walk and eat some sweets. You don't have to stay for 8 hours straight in your work to be called as a productive person, you must take into consideration your own physical and mental health as well. Take care of yourself by relaxing for quite some time and continue your work if you think that you already gained enough energy to go on again.


Being productive is not as easy as 1,2,3. We must learn and apply useful tips for us to avoid being lazy and unproductive throughout the day. Being lazy and cramming all the time are enemies of success. We can't be successful by just lying in our bed, or just sitting in the couch while watching in our TV and eating popcorns. We must work harder and smarter, and strive for the best version of ourselves by practicing useful habits for productivity.

Let us all be productive everyone. Start fighting the laziness, and start embracing our productive self

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my article. I hope this will help you to fight the laziness in you and will make you more productive day by day.

Have a great day and may the good Lord bless you more with love and prosperity.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Productivity


True! Because you have so much in mind, you cannot even decide what would you like to do first because we also wanted to do it at once like to get it done at once. But in the end, we just ignore the day without doing anything - being unproductive. I would also like this laziness in me to go away ๐Ÿ˜…

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's why, it's better to plan out first and have a great routines for us to not waste our time for nothing. We are all struggling with the laziness, but we can do something for it to fade from our mind and body. ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree. Imagine I've been lazy for one week I guess. I'm in readcash for one week but then today is the only time I got to publish an article ๐Ÿ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I feel the same too. When I was a newbie here, I rarely publish an article because no one read my articles that slowly made me demotivated and lazy, but then I realized, I have to responsible and productive in my own way, even though no one will support me.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Wow! Your perseverance is so amazing! โ˜บ๏ธ Keep going, dear as I am also keeping myself alive.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for that. Someday we can be a successful author here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed don't consumed too much information. It's makes I'm the ideas more abstract and hard to connects.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes po. It's hard to understand everything if we have too much information to process. Our brain is not that powerful to absorb bunch of info so better take what's most useful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago