The 3 C's in Life: Change for the Better

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Written by
3 years ago

Living a life shouldn't be just sitting in the couch doing nothing. We must keep ourselves moving, and do something to change our life for the better.

We can't be successful by doing nothing. We can't achieve what we want if we lack courage to work for it. Just wishing for something to happen is not enough. Life is not a passive process. If we didn't do something, nothing will happen. We must be active all the time to do the work, and if we persevere, the things we sow, will soon be reaped.

You must make a choice about what will you do, take the chance if it's already there, and work for it to achieve the change you want in life.

Life is like a flowing river where if we don't know how to swim and just do nothing amidst of the raging water, we will get ourselves drown.

Meaning to say, if we didn't do something in our life, what path we will be ending up? Of course, nothing, just a plain life before and we'll end up dying without an achievement. No excitement, no challenges, no success.

In this article, I am going to share with you the 3 C's in life that everyone of us must take into consideration.

You must make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.

~ Zig Ziglar

1. Choice

Before doing something, the first thing we should do is to make a choice.

Plan it first, and decide carefully so the chances of having regrets at the end will lessen.

Don't be too impulsive in making a choice. Pick what you think is the best choices or if you're doubting then better seek for recommendations or suggestions from the trusted people around you.

Just like in exam especially a multiple choice question, we have to pick among the letters or numbers written on the test paper to answer each question there. If we didn't choose and skip a particular item, it will be automatically wrong. Our teacher will mark it as incorrect because we didn't provide an answer to the question, and we will have no point with that, obviously nothing will be added to the supposed total score.

In life we should always make a choice, because if we didn't, our way of life will remain as it is. There's no change at all.

2. Chance

After making a choice, an opportunity or chance will begin to show up. And what we should do is to grab those chances to get nearer with what we want.

Taking those chances are part of having a better life. Just imagine, if we ignore those chances or opportunities aroung us, will there be a change in our life? Obviously, none.

Continuing my previous example:

We already make a choice on each item written on our test paper, what we should do next is to take consideration of the possible chances that we can grab after that. That thought like, we should decide carefully and pick the correct answer as much as possible to have the chance of having a high score and probably an A+ grade on our academic card. That's how it works. When done making a choice, take the chances after.

3. Change

Change for the better is what everyone's aiming for their lives. And that will be successfully achieved when the first 2 C's are done perfectly.

Our life will never change if we didn't make a choice and ignore to take the chance. The chances of having a change in our life depends on the first 2 steps. So if we don't want to have a static life with slow or no progress at all, better think of what we should do with our life. Don't just sit on the couch and sleep on our bed, work something about what we want to achieve.

In relation to the previous examples, if we did choose the correct answers to the questions on our test paper, there will be a chance that we will get a high score and a remarkable grade, with that, change will happen just like making our parents proud, or receiving a medal of appreciation when the recognition ceremony came.

But, if we refrain from answering the questions, our score will be low or nothing at all, and the chances of getting a high marks or experiencing a change will no longer be happening in reality. How can we assume for something to happen if we didn't work for it at all? If we want a change, make a choice and take the chance as much as possible.

Closing Thoughts

Life isn't about luck all the time. We can't just wish for something to happen, and never work for it. If that will be our mindset, believe me, change will never be on our part.

No one will do the work for us forever. If we want something, decide first and plan for the best steps to make it happen. After that, take the chance or the opportunities around that will help us to be better. Then finally, the changes we are aiming for will be there to make us smile.

But, a friendly reminder, making a choice will never be perfect or right all the time. There will be some time when we thought that our choices will do good, but the opposite happened. If we did the wrong choice, chances might harm us, and the change we are expecting to happen is not actually what it should be.

But, that's okay, my friend, as long as you'll never give up and continue to try again. We often commit mistakes as part of learning and aiming for something. We shouldn't be discouraged with the wrong choices we did, that's still part of our experiences that we should be grateful for because it happened. Just be careful next time and pick the right choices. We must take into consideration our past mistakes, and make it as a motivation to choose the right thing to have a greater chances of having a change.

Make the right choices and take the better chances for a positive change.

Author's Note:

This article is based on Zig Ziglar's "The 3 C’s of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes."

Upon reading the quote, I was inspired to have my own thoughts about it and share it with all of you here by writing this article, because I think, there will be a lot of lessons you can learn after. I hope you gain something that will help you to keep motivated and strive for a change that you want to taste in your life.

Have a great day. ❀️

$ 5.17
$ 5.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @MissJo
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Written by
3 years ago


Change for the better , we need to take our Choices what we have and chances given To us 😊 more articles & Godbless poπŸ˜‡

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes, we shouldn't just remain static, we must have the courage to decide, take chances and accept changes. Thank you for reading my article. May God bless you too. πŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi Amy. ☺️ This is just so realistic. The change we always wanted to see should start from ourselves. And to do that, we need to take l those choices and chances we can have.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Hello, MissJo! 😊 I agree to that. While we are living in this world we should decide carefully and look for the chances around to reach out the change we want. Life is dynamic and so we must work on it and shouldn't remain static. Thank you for reading this article, and I'm grateful for the upvote you gave. Have a nice day. ❀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes true as it is. πŸ’— You are welcome, Amy! You deserved it and I wanted to give back what I received. God bless you. πŸ’—

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Thank you so much. That's so generous of you. May the good Lord bless you more. β€οΈπŸ˜‡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Same as you. God bless. πŸ’—

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Yes the 3C's is what we need in our life. We should prioritize this 3C's because it will help us to make our life good and positive.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Correct, and this 3 C's will help us to work on what we want and be wise as much as possible.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for this one dear Amy. I am very much happy to realize that this 3c's is of need these days.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you for reading my article as well. I hope everyone will realize that too, and keep being wise in life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Let's all be wise in life. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I did learn something. Among the 3 c's, Change is very mucu important to me as I need to change my ways in order to be better. Without change, I feel stuck and stagnant.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's what we are all aiming for especially if we are not yet satisfied with something we have. We all need change β€” to improve, be better and be successful with everything. Life should be dynamic, because if not, then it's not challenging at all. Thank you for reading my article. Much appreciated. ❀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Right. Life is dynamic and so we must go with it. Pleasure is mine!

$ 0.00
3 years ago