Random Motivational Quotes of the Day

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2 years ago

Life is full of lessons and we get to learn everyday as we go through our desired journey.

As we browse upon our social media accounts and other platforms, read books, watch movies, and talk with other people, we are gaining several knowledge that we can apply in our own life to make it a better one.

However, if the knowledge we gained remained as it is without turning it into wisdom, that would be a nonsense one no matter how motivational and life changing it is. With that, those substantial lessons we learnt, as much as possible, we should apply them in real life so they will not be wasted like a trash.

As we go through in this article, I’ll be sharing with you some random generated motivational quotes which I believe could teach and make us realize about the things that we should always keep in mind and applied in our life.

“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.”

- Criss Jami, Killosophy

This quote metaphorically talks about failure wherein if we fall (fail) harder, our heart becomes heavy in a sense that the feeling of disappointment and pain linger around our mind and heart. However, that pain came from failing will keep us stronger and more eager to climb higher than what we did before, in order for us to reach our desired goals with much more hope and high pedestal at the end. If that happens, the feeling of satisfaction after the pain will be more priceless, and we also get to inspire and influence other people to exert more effort and dedication to reach whatever their dreams as well, and never lose hope just because of the failure they faced while they are still on the process.

“The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'.”

- Alfred Brendel

To be a great listener doesn’t have to be a great speaker. As a silent type of person, my friends usually call me when they need someone to talk to (especially if they’re going through a certain problem) even though sometimes I can’t find the most appropriate advice to them and they are aware of it. But, sometimes, I am full words to advice them as well, but soon I realized that I should let them to speak up and express themselves first and I will never meddle with it immediately by dominating the conversation. We should be a great listener in a silent way because if we talk that much, I don’t think we can understand them better.

Another thing is that, if we listen to something personal and confidential, be silent with it. Whatever you heard in that room, when you leave, live it there. It doesn’t necessarily to always broadcast what you know to other people especially without the consent of your source.

“All great achievements require time.”

- Maya Angelou

We can’t achieve our dreams in just a snap, unless those are shallow. It requires time, patience, effort, and other positive traits to achieve whatever we want in life. We have to go on several stages while we are on the process and that will never happen in just a short span of time. It’s quite reasonable because if we did achieve something immediately without us working a lot on it, the level of satisfaction is low compared to something we worked on seriously, and it will fade easily like that of the process of achieving it.

On that note, we don’t have to feel bad if we haven’t achieved any of our goals yet. Always remember that there’s a right time to achieve what we want, and those are considered as great achievements as long as we exerted much effort and patience to it.


Life is like a book. As we flip the pages and go on our journey, we will learn many things that could possibly change the way we perceive and act towards everything. That’s life. As time passes by, the bottle in our mind is slowly filling with knowledge and wisdom we need to not just exist, but to survive and fulfill our purpose in life.

We are continuously learning everyday, but makes sure that we can apply those necessary things in real life and not just keeping it and not actually utilizing its supposed function.

Lessons are not always purposely kept, but rather used and shared.

Author’s Note:

The motivational quotes listed here are randomly generated by using Random Word Generator. However, all the remaining information/explanations are all mine and came from my wandering thoughts in mind.

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: January 17, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


“The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'.” I super agree on this one. Kasi I have a friend right now na may pinagdadaanan, and hindi talaga necessary na may sabihin ako always as advise. I guess my presence is enough. I mean, I do not need to say something. I just need to listen. I allow her to talk para malabas niya yung nararamdaman niya.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the best thing you can do, to listen rather than keep on meddling in the middle of your conversation. Sometimes, yung magstay lang tayo silently beside them sapat na yun for them to express themselves fully. I hope your friend will be okay soon. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very timely

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for reading, sisssy! ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this my dear. My favorite is the last one by maya angelou. We should really have take time on things so that we can think and move as we plan and achieved our goals nicely and exactly what we want.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks as well for reading. Yes, we should take more time in achieving our goals and dreams in life, so we can think, decide and plan in a more appropriate way that may help us to bring nearer to success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the motivations. Those words are uplifting and true.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're always welcome, dear Luci! ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago