Life is Rough, So You Must Be Tough

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Written by
3 years ago

Have you ever experienced that feeling of emptiness and sorrow? When you can't even smile because of the heaviness you feel in your heart? Sometimes, we are being disappointed in life because something bad happened. But, that's not the end of everything.

Don't let a single negativity devour the million positivities you must be grateful for. A lot of us may struggle in achieving something and end up crying because we didn't reach it. It's okay to cry sometimes to ease the heaviness we're carrying in our heart. But, crying all the time, I think that shouldn't be the case already. Look for things even if it's hard, to somewhat make yourself smile for a moment. Don't just focus on the things that make you feel stressed. Look for something that will make you feel at ease.

Go for a walk to divert your attention to something else. Go to your favorite restaurant to taste the food you really love. Read that book to travel in another world without even moving, just your mind, soul, and heart. Talk to your loved ones to make you feel lively again. Watch that favorite TV shows of yours to entertain yourself. Cuddle your pets for you to be comfortable. Watch the stars twinkling with a sign of giving you hope and peace of mind. And most importantly, pray to God and trust Him for He is our home and life.

Don't worry about those things you can't control. Let things go because what's meant for you won't leave you. Don't let yourself devour by the monster of melancholy. Find the light that will illuminate joy in your heart again. Look for the brightest path that will bring you to an everlasting success in life.

There are lots of reasons to be happy. You just have to look around and soon you'll find it. Furthermore, if you can't find it, why not create it. Create your own happiness and bloom like those flowers in your garden. Shine like the sun in the sky. Be tough like the trees around. Fly like the birds and butterflies and let things go that are weighing you down.

Don't envy other people just because you think that they are better than you. You are like the rarest gems no one can copy. Others may have things you don't have, but you have the strengths and beauty they can't possessed. You are unique. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are awesome. You are someone's favorite. You are the star in someone's sky. You are the world in someone's universe. Or you might be the universe in someone's eyes. You don't have to be jealous with someone. Instead, support them to the best of you can, and lift each other up instead of dragging them down.

Smile and be brave. You may not reach the things your heart desires for now, but always remember that there are still lots of tomorrows for you to try again. Small progress is still a progress. You don't have to hurry just because you are being pressured with other's timeline. You have your own timeline. In God's will, you can achieve it, darling. Take it slowly but surely and do it passionately.

Just relax. Do not always think of the rocks that might hurt you in life. Just be comfortable, and let things flow if it's beyond your control. Stop that frown, and replace it with a smile. Show the world what you've got instead of showing what you can't. You have so much power in your hands, so don't doubt yourself for just a single mistake you've done.

Some may laugh at you because of the challenges you're facing at this moment, but don't mind them, dear. Prove them that you are a strong and independent human. That you are brave enough to face anything without end up losing. Show them your prettiest and brightest smile you've got. Show them how pure your heart is despite of the thorns that are trying to stab you in pain. Respond to them with your aesthetically constructed words that will melt them down in vain. You don't have to revenge when someone did something wrong to you. The best revenge is to look forward and stand as if nothing happened.

Show the world how powerful you are for conquering all of your bad experiences. Show the universe how tough you are for achieving those things others can't. Show everyone how happy you are despite of the painful things you've been through. Because life may turn ROUGH, but here you are being TOUGH.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading everyone.

Always keep in mind that there are still lots of things we must be thankful for. Don't be sad, just smile. I am so proud of your progress dear.❤️

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Written by
3 years ago


A touchy article with so many of motivating points...Get over these and life becomes a more happy poem....Comply by lovely faith in yourself and good days are just this faith away.

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User's avatar DM
3 years ago

Thank you very much for appreciating my article sir. I wrote this article because I know that a lot of people now are struggling on how can they be able to survive and be happy throughout their lives. I hope that by means of my words, I can lift up someone's hope that everything will be okay soon despite of the uncertainties they are experiencing right now.

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3 years ago

Yeah sure...its awesome when words are your power.....keep writing

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User's avatar DM
3 years ago