Let's Talk About Marriage

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Written by
2 years ago

Love is not about looking at the age of your partner, and does not follows a certain timeline.

But, what if two lovers rush on being committed legally but end up just being infatuated and not actually in love with each other?

That is what I am worrying about my best friend who is about to get married with his boyfriend whom she is committed to for only one month. It’s not that I am against their love story but I am really doubting about how genuine their love with each other is.

I know my best friend, she has been playing with several guys before that is why some of our friends considered him as a play girl. None of her previous partners lasted for a year with her because my best friend was easily became bored in a relationship. She always ends up just being infatuated with boys and now, I am really shock just by hearing the news about her upcoming marriage.

I immediately reach out to her and I asks her if the news is really true and not just a fallacy statement came from gossipers. She confirms that it was true and the parents of her boyfriend wanted to engaged them both as soon as possible and maybe by next year, it will be their wedding already.

I asked her if their decision is really genuine but she couldn’t answer me. It seems like their parents were the one who made the decision and them as the son and daugther of respective parents are like puppies, obeying what they were told to do.

I am not actually against on the age they have. My best friend is only 20 years old while her boyfriend is already 25. I am not also against with how long their relationship is, even though that’s quite short since they just knew each other for a month. What I am after to and what makes me problematic is the impulsive decision of getting married as soon as possible without them deciding for it but their parents.

The couple who are in a relationship must be the one to decide about leveling up their current status and not their parents who doesn’t know what their children feel.

I’ve never been in a relationship before and I don’t know what should be the best thing to do when being in a relationship, though I knew some of it based on what I read and observed around me, but I am just not sure if those are applicable to anyone.

I just give an advice to my best friend that entering the world of marriage is not similar to her old ways before such as playing aroung with boy’s feelings. Marriage is different from boyfriend-girlfriend stage especially in terms of the commitment level. Marriage is not always about romantic life, because that’s when the real sense of having family comes out. They should be knowledgeable enough in managing their finances, building a good foundation for their family, think carefully about the welfare of their future kids, and to let their love lasts longer despite the problems that they might encounter as a married couple.

I know, this article might sound as a bitter composition of me, not experiencing romantic life, but no, I am just worried about my best friend and I don’t want her to have some regrets in the end that she couldn’t change anymore.

I don’t want her to enter on something she was not sure about. I want her to think and decide carefully and avoid being impulsive. I just want her to know also that it’s okay to not always follow her parents especially on this kind of matter. This is not about being obedient as a daughter wherein she will do anything what she was told to do without even thinking about her own feelings and ability to decide.

Closing Thoughts

Based on what I observed, falling in love is one of the best feelings that we can experience and infatuation holds a different meaning from it. Real love can last forever but infatuation is just a temporary feeling. Maybe on the next day, you will wake up not having any special feeling on your current partner whom you formerly like dearly.

Love and like are also different from each other especially on how you will apply it on real life situations. We can say that we like someone/something without having a deep feeling towards it. There’s still an invisible barrier in between and maybe on the next hours, days or weeks, we don’t want that already. However, when we say love, that’s a different word which holds a deeper meaning. If we love someone or something, it’s very difficult to erase that on our system. The happiness is unexplainable (based on what I observed) and the feeling is very genuine, but the heartache that it may cause will also left you broke.

Another thing is that, we shouldn’t let other people decide for us especially about dictating us in our love life. We have our own mind and heart to think and decide. It’s okay to accept some advice to help us decide but not to the point wherein we will let ourselves to be a puppet and just go along with what we were told to do. We are humans, considered as rational animals.

Think, feel, and carefully decide. Life is continuously moving forward and will never back again in the past.

Author’s Note:

Hello again, my dear readers. It’s been how many weeks since the last time I published an article due to my busy schedule. Pardon me if you are not used to this kind of content as I am really overthinking now about my best friend’s situation and I think I really need to burst out my opinion about it.

For this month, as my way of returning all the inactive days I have here, I am marking this first day of December as the time of being active here again. I will try my best to write more often and interact with all of you again.

So, see you on my next articles.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! 😇❤️

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅

Date Published: December 1, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally created by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


I felt sad knowing the situation. Marriage won't work if the two hearts ain't commited. I hope the two of them speak up and decide for their own

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Hoping for that too. Marriage is not a joke and it should be taken seriously. I am afraid about the outcome of their marriage if ever that they are just infatuated with each other and aren't in love at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Marrying someone is like somewhat giving all yourself towards that person and we need to make sure that person will be the one you will spend the rest of your life here on Earth.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

That's true, it seems like from two persons, you will then be united as one, so you really have to make sure that the love you shared is real and sincere enough.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Marriage is an important thing to all of us, but we need to think wisely before we go to church because marriage is not a joke. By the way, it's okay, you spoke the truth and you have taken care of your best friend. Nice to meet you 😊

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Exactly, we must think twice before entering marriage life because it wasn't easy and it's definitely not just an infatuation. Thank you! Nice to meet you too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's just wish they made this marriage successful and get of all the naiveness and emerge as the solved couples and thrives toward their responsibilities.😊

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I wish the best for them too, and I am greatly hoping that everything will be fined especially if their marriage will be pursued.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is really important that you need to make sure that the person you will be with for the rest of your life is the person you cant fall out of love.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You're right, we have to decide carefully and feel it with our heart that someone we are bound to marry is our one true love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No dear. It’s ok. Perhaps you had spoken the truth while others hesitate.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you! That's a relief. I just wish the best for my best friend and I don't want her to have regrets in the end.

$ 0.00
2 years ago