Let's Talk About Life

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Written by
3 years ago

Some people say that life is simple. No worries, no problems, just living and going with the flow. Being lowkey all the time without doubting every bit of their lives.

But, some are saying that life is complicated and difficult to dealt with just like solving Mathematical problems without a calculator. Everything's manual, no shortcuts. You have to work hard to jump on your desired outcome.

For me, living our life and thinking if it is hard or simple all depend on our mindset itself.

If we think of living with a positive mindset and behavior then most definitely, we will enjoy our life much better than worrying too much on things we can't control.

Living without a heavy heart is so satisfying.

I know I am too young to talk about this aspect of life but then, I think there's nothing wrong with that. I am writing this article freely, with my fingers, mind and most importantly I am putting my heart in it.

As a 19 year old woman, some may say that I haven't experienced yet the most challenging part of living. If they will somehow compare my life in a plot of a short story, they might think that I am just in the introduction part and have not reach the conflict and climax yet. I also admit that I am not yet fully knowledgeable about what is life. But, at this young age, I am open to exploration that's why I am trying my best to step out of my comfort zone and experience the things I am not yet familiar with.

Stepping out of our comforts zones means that we have to get ourselves in a crowd of people with varying attitudes and behaviors.

In life, we have those people whose been supporting us in the long run and are always there for us ready to lean their shoulders on when we need them. People who are loving us genuinely without expecting something in return. But, of course, even though they are not expecting something from us, we must also care and love them to atleast pay back willingly without them begging for it. Having these kind of people will not make our life complicated but instead make it simple with us being happy and contented with their existence. Making them as inspirations to go on with life will not just make us happy but also it can affect our mindset of treating others with a kind heart that will surely contribute to the simple and satisfying life we want.

On the contrary, there are also some people who are always envious with everything about us. Those who don't lift us up but rather drag us down. With these kind of people, we may think that life is complicated because lots of criticisms are being thrown to us no matter what we do. Some are being stressed out when they are surrounded with these people that may lead to such complications on their mental health.

Let's take it this way, imagine yourself graduating with a bachelor's degree in college having a latin honor. Your family, real friends and other colleagues of yours may keep on congratulating you and are very happy with your achievements. But then, we cannot deny the fact that there maybe someone who get envious with what you have wherein they are trying their best to break you by telling "you just get that degree because it's easy," "maybe you just cheat in your exams and school works," "definitely, you befriended your professors for you to get high grades," "my child's achievement is better than you," or "your course is not in demand and you'll just end up working in a fast food chain."

It's kinda heartbreaking hearing those negative words from people who never acknowledge the hardworks and efforts we exerted to attain such achievements.

We cannot please everyone to be happy with what we have especially those close-minded ones who can't accept that there are people who are better than them in a particular craft. I am not saying that we must compete with others by being better than them, what I'm saying is, if ever that people are doubting our capabilities then might as well prove them that they are wrong with what they are thinking about us. But, in other case, in order for us to be the best version of ourselves then it's better to just ignore those negativities and just please ourselves and our love ones by reaching our dreams.


Life is simple if we know how to handle it properly. If we know how to deal with other people then definitely we will not get affected if ever that few of them will throw some rocks of negativities to us. We must shield ourselves with walls of happiness and contentment, so that those unnecessary things will not enter and ruin our life.

Have a positive mindset. Be kind. Be happy with your life.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my article. Have a great day. May God bless you more. ^_^

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Written by
3 years ago


I also experienced the part when you graduated and in my case, since being a teacher takes a lot of process after graduating and even after passing the exam, it's not guarantee that you can be in the teaching field immediately. Yes, I graduated and passed the exam but then people around are very eager to drag you down saying "Why she's not yet teaching? I thought she's already qualified?" These are so annoying but I just let them pass and stay focused with my goals.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's what I observed also especially because my brother is a teacher as well but in the private school and not in the public yet. Some are underestimating the capabilities of a teacher just because they are teaching in private school without knowing that maybe that teacher is just a fresh graduate or there are no items yet for them to get hired.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah right. But anyway, they said empty cans sound the most and I think that's why they keep on talking because they know nothing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh well, brainless talk that much. The chismosas here can prove that. Hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago