Know Your Limits

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Freedom, Limits

We have freedom to do whatever we want but, limits should always be considered all the time.

Imagine a world where people are freely doing things without any limitations and without any rules, policies, and punishments that will regulate the actions of the people.

Is it peaceful or chaotic?

For me, freedom without limitations are not so ideal as it might caused the world to be chaotic.

Imagine someone stealing foods from others and it's just okay because there's no certain rules that says it shouldn't be allowed.

Imagine someone fighting over each other that might end up killing themselves, and it's just normal and nothing to worry about because there's no punishments waiting for those persons in the court and jail.

Imagine someone hurting other’s feelings and just think of it as a joke without considering the feelings he/she stepped into because there's no limitations that have been set.

Imagine those people freely voicing out their thoughts without any filter or limit and keeps on giving criticisms without considering its effect to someone.

Everything in this world must be regulated with certain rules, whether those are written in our constitution, or innately carved in our mind.

But, sadly, some people nowadays are slowly forgetting their limitations to do such things. I don't want to generalize here but, based on my observation, most teenagers/youths in several social media platforms don't think of any limitations anymore. Some of them are posting inappropriate photos (without limits), engaging in relationship issues at such a young age, and so on.

Aside from that, there are laws here in the Philippines that restricts and punish cyber bullies but, we can still observe unfiltered negative comments in someone's posts especially to the celebrities or famous people.

It's very easy for some users to say ugly, skinny, fat, pig, gold digger, stupid or any negative words to someone without considering the feelings of those who are being thrown with negativities.

Aside from that, even some of those influencers and famous artists nowadays are showing different things that are considered to be unethical to the public without limiting themselves. We can watch and read different news or videos about the famous celebrities cheating on their partner, or about mistress issues.

I am a conservative type of person and I greatly values the ethical rules I grew up with, taught by my parents and older relatives. So, seeing someone doing inappropriate things, the question that always pops up in my mind is that "do they still have limitations?"

This is not about physical appearance, guys, but, it's all about the actions itself. I don't want to judge someone based on their appearances like wearing revealing clothes or what, and I'm gonna say limit themselves in wearing those but rather wear conservative dresses because it's not appropriate for anyone. That's not entirely my point because it's their choice of fashion so I don't want to meddle with that.

What I'm trying to say is that, limit themselves in terms of their actions. Don't voice out negative words but, rather choose to be kind always. We have freedom of expression but, there must be a limitation, not because someone asked us to do it but rather because of our initiative to restrict ourselves to act beyond the limits.

Instead of just throwing criticisms anywhere to anyone, let's just say words that can contribute to someone's growth that can be used as motivations. We can still give criticisms but it should be a constructive one and not just words full of hate and insults that are not really necessary.

Instead of bashing someone, we should rather choose to be kind and uplift someone. We shouldn't be the reason for someone to feel down, we should be there to show that they are being loved for being who they are.

Instead of influencing someone about negative things, let's spread positivity that can make everyone happy. In a world full of toxicity, let's try our best to make a difference by means spreading only the positive thinks like, happiness, love and motivations.


Our actions should always be in accordance to such limitations. Everything that exceed is bad, everything must be well-maintained and balanced. We can't just do things freely without any restrictions because we might end up facing the negative consequences at the end of the day, not just only for ourselves but also to those people around us. We should be smart enough to know the right from wrong, and from what's good and bad. Aside from we are growing physically, our morality should be developed too. We people must trained ourselves to limit our actions and not just freely doing anything because that's not the right thing to do.

Whether the rules are written on our constitution or not, we must have the initiative at the very first place to do what we know as good for us and for everyone, and limitations must be considered all the time.

Author's Note:

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! 😇❤️

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅

Date Published: September 9, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Freedom, Limits


Yes po ibang iba na po talaga ang generation ngayon. Nakakagulat nga po yung mga kabataan ngayon eh kasi ginagawa na po nila yung mga bagay ng walang limitasyon basta gustuhin lang nila. Naniniwala din po ako na dapat po ay may limitations ang lahat ng ating ginagawa para mas mapabuti tayo at maiwasan natin ang ang mga maling bagay.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True kahit ang babata pa, lantaran na ang mga masasamang gawain, samantalang tayo noon, napakasimple lang ng buhay pero masaya at walang kung ano anong kasamaan sa social media. Dapat talaga may limitations tayo lagi, kasi lahat ng sobra ay masama.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Opo minsan nga po ay naiisip ko na dahil po sa social media kung bakit sila nag kakaganoon. Dati po kasi wala naman pong social media kaya hindi pa babad ang mga kabataan sa pag cecellphone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama. But, we can't deny the fact that most of the people radiate negativity rather than being kind. No matter what, they won't change because they will not.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, it depends on them. We cannot be able to change their behavior directly, we can just be the reason for them to change based on a particular saying. But, still hoping that they will choose to be kind rather than being unethical.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so true. The world would be a mess if everyone are free to do whatever they want. It would be big trouble. We have to put limitations in every action we take and ensure not to harm other people.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Correct because everything must be balanced enough and that could be done if we put some limitations. This world will be a better place for all of us if everyone will understand the real meaning of freedom and limits.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly is. And I could observe it too. I hope and pray that the respect towards self and others would not fully vanished as time goes by.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If everyone will choose to balance their actions and not freely doing things around without limitations, everything will be good. And yes, respect should always be considered all the time no matter what the situation is.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it's indeed a matter of balance

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bullies are no space here. They should know their limits. The world is round, they don't know their actions would caused them a miserable life. Be kind always.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I wonder how those people doesn’t know how to be kind and chose to be bullies instead. You're right, there will come a time that karma will bring them to a situation they deserve based on what they've done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, we should always make and follow the rules of other people and also consider our limitation in our actions. This will helps us avoid any troubles and other not good situations.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Right, because everything that exceeds is bad for us, and that everything must be in moderation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Humanity will be gratituded if they follow the exact rules and spread love. You expressed the responsibilities throughout your post. Tremendous job dear. Excellent.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, if we follow the rules and do the right and good things, of course the results will be positive as well. Thank you. 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope so

$ 0.00
2 years ago