It's Okay to Take a Break

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Stress, Relax

Stress will never leave us if we don't know how to take a break and relax.

This past few days, I have so much in my plate. It's not literally plate wherein it's full of foods (I would be so happy if that happens because I love foods), what I mean is, I have so much things to do and it feels like I am feeling exhausted despite not cramming at all. That feeling when I'm already done with one task, and here we go again, preparing to start another activity. That routine exhausts me and it feels like I am maximizing my time with works only, not having enough time to relax.

I am still glad that I am not cramming at all and I am being productive with everything especially to my studies and responsibilities at home but, the spiral routine seems like making me weak.

I realize that I am being too hard on myself. I am already abusing myself wherein when the night comes, I cannot sleep peacefully because I am thinking of doing my tasks even if it's time to relax supposedly. My head hurts a lot even while writing this article and my eyes seems sleepy already but I can't just sleep that fast since my mind is fully awake, filled with several thoughts that made me feel stressed even more.

I suddenly missed the good old days when I was still a kid. No worries and problems and all I thought was to play outside with my friends and cousins. The memories of not being exhausted and dilemma in life was not yet in my vocabulary. To tell you honestly, when I was young, I don't know what's the real meaning of problems. I never thought of being problematic and all I knew was to have fun in playing, doing several stuffs out of leaves, like bags, wallets, and slippers.

Me and my friends were also fond of molding clays, and we did different figures. It was such a fun memories. I never regret living as a kid without gadgets unlike today's reality.

Now that I am grown up, the reality is slowly hurting me with exhaustion on so many things but, what I am doing is to hold unto God and keep my faith on Him despite the happenings in my life. Aside from that, I am always thinking of my family and I have to be brave and strong so that I can provide them a comfortable life, without thinking about financial problems and other stuffs that will make them worried.

I know, others might underestimate my situation as they would say that there's much worse problems than mine, and I am still lucky. Yes, I am still lucky for having a shelter, for eating three times a day, without skipping meals, for having a complete family and real friends so, that made me think as well that I really need to be stronger than before and I have to fight the stress that is making me weak so that, I can still go on with life.

It's okay to take a break as long as we will not exceed to the limit. We shouldn't just maximize our time doing tasks only, disregarding the value of taking a break. What made my stress arise is that, despite having free time on my daily planner, mostly I am still not following it and just lend my time on doing tasks instead. I thought of just relaxing after accomplishing everything but, I was wrong when another tasks are slowly approaching me again. So for now, I think of relaxing even if I still have unfinished tasks as long as I still have ample time of doing those without cramming at all. I don't want to procrastinate still so, relaxing before starting something will make me have enough energy to accomplish those and my mind will be cleared up with unnecessary thoughts especially the stressful ones.

Aside from that, I should also slow down in overthinking. Despite being a positive thinker, it's still inevitable for me to overthink and be paranoid. It's not healthy at all especially to my mental health, so I wanted to minimize it if I can't fully eliminate it as it seems to be natural on me.


Stress is very common on us people but despite its commonality, we can still find ways to prevent ourselves on feeling it. When we are tired, we shouldn't have to force ourselves to still work despite the exhaustion. We can still work on things right after taking break because we still have many times to do it, just make sure not to have a very long break that will make us totally lazy, just the right amount of relaxation.

Taking a break is not equivalent to giving up or being hopeless to work on again. Take a break in a sense that we will just regain our energy for a while and when it's full, it's time to work again.

Author's Note:

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! 😇❤️

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅

Date Published: September 29, 2021

Lead Image: Came from Unsplash

Gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Stress, Relax


We don't need to make our self busy and push it all the day long. Sometimes, we need to take a rest ❤️ because resting is gaining.. so if you want to gain more strenght ,just rest for a moment🥰

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, we don't have to pressure ourselves to work all day, rather we have to rest for a while to regain our energy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As what one of the pastor said, resting is a blessing... hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We're feeling the same, Amy. Last Tuesday, I started my day with a smile, trying so hard to convince myself that I am okay but what happened was, I ended up crying without knowing why. My heart feels so heavy. I was stressed out to the point that I don't want to do anything but cry. So what I did was pray and ask God to help me. I guess I really need a break. Thank you for this amazing piece to share. 💗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's what I've been through as well, even until now. I am so exhausted in a sense that I cannot understand my feelings and emotions anymore. We really have to take a break sometimes and keep our faith to God to survive and keep moving in life. Thank you as well for reading. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree sis. Ako rin ngayon eh sobrang exhausted... Kaya relax relax lang muna talaga. Be with nature, kain, soundtrip at matulog hahah

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kailangan talaga natin yan, sis. Kapag pagod na, relaxation with nature and yummy foods are the best, and yes kasama narin ang magandang music at maayos na tulog. We have to enjoy talaga kasi maikli lang ang buhay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well written dear. I appreciate you post. A few moments ago, I was having a conversation with one of my friend about the same topic. Good to hear that someone feels the same.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oh, thank you, dear. I hope you and your friend will be free from stress and please consider relaxing for a while as much as I do. Take care. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, sometimes a little break is needed. Sometimes you have to be stress free with a little time. On this busy day we forgot to make time for ourselves.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

And it seems like we are already abusing ourselves by refusing to rest. We need to relax even amidst of being busy, but not to the point of being lazy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm, you're saying nothing but the truth, so many times we over work yourselves and brain just to meet up with a particular task,the more we do that , tye more we keep on endangering ourselves mentally.

Just like me, I always have migraine anytime I overwork myself, it is inevitable for me anytime the work lost is more than my energy, but since I realized this, I just have to minimize the way I work to avoid having migraine.

Taking a nap will help us feel refreshed and it will help in building up our system too. It's always advice able to limit the way we work just for the benefits of ourselves.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, we have to take care of ourselves and don't overwork always because it's dangerous for our health, especially in terms of physical and mental aspects. Yes, we have to let ourselves to take a nap and relax for a while.

$ 0.00
2 years ago