I Was Wrong

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Written by
2 years ago

I have lots of friends. Whenever and wherever I go, there's a bunch of people staying beside me as if I am their boss. Simply, because I AM RICH.

I can do and have whatever I want in just a snap, obviously because this world almost works with money.

I want shoes, bags, makeups, gadgets, foods, and anything you can think of, just name it, and I'll buy it. My friends are always with me because they can also have a glimpse of what I have. I always treat them and share the things I have especially when I don't want those anymore.

My bank account always has huge balances so I can go shopping if I feels like.

But, even if I already had everything, I never do bullying for those unfortunate ones, unlike in dramas that you can watch on your television. I never stepped on someone's dignity with my money because that's what my parents taught me. I do believe that the blessings we had will never be gone, if we will remain kind-hearted even if we're reaching high.

But, I was wrong.

My dad's business faced bankruptcy when this pandemic came. My dad owned a private school and back then, the enrollees are reaching thousands because of its reputation of embracing a quality education. Everything flows perfectly, not until the dark days came.

When this pandemic started, the enrollees suddenly decreased and my dad got problematic on how can he sustain the wages of his employees. We all know that this pandemic adversely affects everyone's life and most of the people faced financial problems. Practical parents decided to transfer their children in public school because they can't afford to send their child in a private institution where high tuition fees have to be paid.

In just a span of one year, all of our wealth were gone and we decided to sell some of our things to fulfill our daily needs. My dad still has other business, but that wasn't enough to bring back our wealth.

We decided to live a simple life and think positively. We keep in our minds that even though we are not that rich anymore, we still have friends out there that can still accept us even though we can't mange to help them anymore in terms of their finances.

But, we are wrong again.

When those people we helped before knew about our situation now, they never communicate with us anymore. We tried to visit them for quite some time, but their attitude is not the same anymore unlike when we are still rich. They even closed their doors and showed rude behaviors towards my dad and mom. We felt sad with that situation, who wouldn't be?

We are not meeting them by asking to pay back, we just want to know if they are okay, and to catch-up on some life-stories that we are happy to share with each other before, but instead of welcoming us warmly, they even turned their backs on us.

Even my friends avoided me as well. They never replied on my texts and ignored my calls to them. I just want to ease this burden I'm feeling by opening up, but they never allowed me to.

I thought we're friends.

And guess what? The person I am not that closed to before, is the one who stayed beside me even if I'm in this situation. She's a nerdy girl who loves to read tons of novels and short stories. I once helped her when she don't have 1/4 sheet of paper in our quiz. She's intelligent and kind, but she doesn't have lots of friends. She's a loner maybe because she's not that rich unlike me that time. And, I can clearly understand the situation now.

I hope, I knew about this thing on the very beginning. If I could turn back time, I would rather have few genuine friends or nothing at all, than having tons of fake ones. I don't know that some people can instantly changed their behavior towards someone when they can't get benefits anymore.

And those people I am least expecting to show sympathy, are those who manage to stay with me in the gloomy days.

Maybe this is just a challenge/test for us, my family. My dad's other business started to show huge potential earnings and slowly, we managed to regain some parts of our wealth before.

But, aside from slowly regaining the loss wealth we had before, we learned very important lessons that will forever instilled in our minds.

  • First, some people treat us better when they need something from us, but if they can't get anything, they can easily throw us like trash.

  • Second, it's better to have few but real friends, than being in a huge circle of snakes and plastic ones.

  • Third, whatever happens, let's keep our feet on the ground and always show kindness to everyone.

  • And lastly, don't give up easily when things suddenly crushed. If you know to yourself that you never did something wrong then don't treat your problem as a bad karma.

God is giving us challenges that He knows we can surpass. He doesn't give it to make us suffer but, to teach us some important lessons that we should put in our minds and hearts.

Author's Note:

This is just a fictional story and it's not associated with someone's real life. This is just a product of my imagination (obviously, because we're not rich and doesn't owned a private school, hahaha). But, the lessons included in this story are what I wanted to impart in everyone's mind.

Think of it this way, the plot is fictional but, the lessons are non-fiction.

Date Published: August 9, 2021

Lead Image: Originally created by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


You have a very good personality and that you stayed grounded. God is really good enough that your wealth is coming back to life now. No worries those fake friends. God closes doors and open new ones. This time, it will is the best. πŸ’—

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you, MissJo. It's just a challenge that God gave to the characters of the story to learn different life-lessons, so they would remain strong and practical in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. That is so true. God will not give us any challenges that He think we cannot pass through.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't know why, but I still believe that money should never be the basis of any relationship, be it friendship or anything else..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It should be love. If a relationship revolves around money, that won't last forever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hmmmm.. but money is forever... It may change its form but it will be forever. hahahha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But our life with money is not. There are times that we have lots of it but there will come a time that all of it will be gone. We can't also bring it afterlife.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yep, and that means that money will even outlive us. tsk tsk. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money attract fake people, hardship attract real ones because they were the one to stay even if you have money or not :))

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You have a point, it's better to surround ourselves with people who never consider us as a bank which is a source of money, but rather a friend that never leaves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, saka lang kasi natin makikita totoong ugali nang tao pag walang wala na tayo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama, kung sino ba ang mag-stay sa tabi natin genuinely without hidden agendas. Yung pure love lang ganun.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sanaol mayaman. Napaisip din ako dito eh. You have a talent in writing fiction story, girl. Keep going!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sana all kayang bilhin lahat. Haha

Thank you po. ❀️😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought it was real and I feel sorry for you, I was just glad na fiction lang phew πŸ˜…

The situations that we are facing always give so much realization in life because everything has a reason either it was a blessing or a lesson.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sana all nalang mayaman at may private school. πŸ˜‚

Yes, every situation and experience we have always have hidden lessons that will help us to be more mindful and practical. It's not always about karma or what.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mapapa sana all nalang ako sa isang snap lang nandyan agad.

Pero yup, Exactly!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perks ng pagiging mayaman, kayang makuha lahat ng gusto. 😁Pero masakit din if sa isang iglap lang mawala lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oh my, I was reading so passionately and then you said it was a fiction hehehe I'm so glad those bad things didn't happen

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Fictions are sometimes very close to real life situation. Thanks for dropping by, anyway. πŸ€—πŸ’•

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aaahay nadali po ako doon akala ko po totoo to...ang ganda ng flow story and the lessons are there...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Asa naman ako na mayaman kami. πŸ˜‚ Pero, thank you. ❀️😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always worth reading po ang article niyo .

$ 0.00
2 years ago