How Ironic

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Written by
2 years ago

Sometimes, other people’s words contradict their own actions and behavior.

Isn’t it ironic to tell someone what to do when in fact they’re actually doing the opposite of their command?

Nowadays, some people seem not to care about the congruency of their words, mindset, behavior and actions. Some are just good in words, but displays the worse thing through their actions and behaviors. Some may not be that good in expressing themselves in words, but we can see how good they are with the way they act.

Maybe some of you already encountered such people who do things in contrary with their words. If you will observe your surroundings, they are just there, voicing out something while doing the opposite thing.

They are all over different social media platforms as well, especially this time of election/political campaign (particularly in the Philippines right now).

I am not generalizing people here and I don’t mean to stain any political candidate, but some of the supporters of the opposing team are throwing shades towards the other party. They are lifting their candidate while pulling down the opposing team.

Isn’t it ironic to say you’re clean, morally good, highly intelligent and other positive things about your team while on the other hand, your showing how trash you are by dragging others down just to lift yourself up?

Isn’t it ironic that you hate the word “dictator” yet you are dictating other people who to vote and when they’re preferences are not align with what you have, then you will immediately consider them as wrong and practice this what so called “cancel culture”?

I am not going to be very specific here about who will I vote this coming election because first of all, I don’t want to engage myself with the possible unhealthy argument especially with closeminded peeps.

However, I will just leave this article here to remind everyone to vote wisely without necessarily arguing with each other because that will not bring peace and unity in our country at all.

How can we unite and make our country a better one if we’re doing the opposite thing through arguing and having misunderstanding with each other?

The future of our country doesn’t only rely on who will be our next leader. Our country’s future relies on us people. No matter how good our next president will be, if we are not disciplined enough to do what’s good and right, nothing will happened. If we will always do things ironically in a negative sense, goodness people, we will all be doomed to repeat past agony.

Instead of being good only in words, it’s better to show it through our actions instead. Aside from that, stop acting as if we’re perfect when in fact no one can prove that one except our Almighty God. It’s better to be real, than acting like you are perfect but with hidden trashy behavior that’s actually evident with your actions.

Always make sure that everything’s aligned before showing and being proud of it, because it’s actually not good in everyone’s eye to see godly person (through physical appearance and they’re words) while doing evil acts.


The world we’re living is full of irony. May it be about the natural phenomena or about how the people act themselves. We all experienced being ironic sometimes, but not all of us are repeating it all the time as it’s kinda annoying actually. Nothing good will happened especially if we’re just good in words, but not through actions.

Let’s be more kind and smart at the same time by expressing our words and doing things both with positivity, not actually mixing it with negativity.

Author's Note:

As a sign of gratitude, I want to express how thankful I am to you, my readers. Thank you very much for those who keeps on supporting me with my articles, and I hope that even though my writing skill was not yet pro enough, you are still learning from it. I am very thankful also to my sponsors, I am hoping that you are all doing fine and for you to be showered with more blessings from above. 

Special thanks to Ms. @BreadChamp and dear @Lucifer01 for the sponsorship renewal. Thank you so much, guys. Hoping that you will be showered with more blessings from above. 😇

May the good Lord bless you more with love and grace! 😇❤️

Thank you so much for reading! 💕

Date Published: February 10, 2022

Lead Image and Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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$ 0.05 from @BreadChamp
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
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Written by
2 years ago


Meron talgang ganyang klaseng mga tao, Amy. Tawag sa kanila hypocr*te

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with this. I even saw a lot having this kind of attitude. A lot are cancelling a person because of this and that. They do not want a dictator, but they always wanted to dictate people what to do. Ironic it is.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's so rampant today po. It's kinda sad to know that some people nowadays are doing things that are not in accordance to their own words and principles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Diba? Sobrang gulo lang talaga eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I stopped from telling people what to do & what not to. People work according to their own will. Ironic for me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, especially if those people are close minded enough to not listen with anyone even if that's the right thing to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Correct ka jan sis, people will always do what they want to even it's the irony of who they are. Even educated people act uneducated in some cases and it's really a disappointment.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Indeed... it's so sad to say that even those we are expecting to act in a right away choose to do the opposite things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your content is always on point. Thank you and you're always welcome Amy! 💗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you for that warm words po. 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people are so good in talking withpit walkinh it out. You are right sis, before we dictate someone to this and that, we should also apply it our ownselves.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Opo, some people nowadays easily dictate and judge others without even looking at themselves if they're doing the right thing as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago