Exploring Personality Type: Who Are You?

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2 years ago

People are different not just in terms of physical appearance, but in personality type as well.

We are all unique in terms of how we behave and act, so sometimes harmony or unity between us is difficult to attain if we don't know how to respect and understand our differences.

For all people closed to me, they think I am a talkative type of person who never ran out of topic during a conversation. But for those who don't know me well, they perceive me as a shy type of person who prefers to be alone instead of mingling in a crowd. Well, that's partly true since I really consider myself as an introvert with a bit of extrovert side (known as Ambivert).
Unlike other people, I prefer to be alone most of the time as that's when I can really recharge myself.

So recently, I took a personality test in 16personalities.com which made me come up with results that are pretty accurate. I don't know if this site is legit but I can relate with the results as I really observe myself like that.


Screenshot from 16personalities.com

According to the result, I am an Advocate with INFJ-T (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging, and Turbulent) personalities.

Honestly, I am really quite an idealistic person as I'm fond of imagining what things could be in the positive side. I am always that kind of person who likes imagining what perfection looks like amidst the imperfect world. But, it's not that I don't put things in a real sense. Despite my idealistic side, I am still trying my best to make things better by putting my ideals into reality, and that's where I can serve as a model who can inspire other people to do the same.

MIND: Introverted

Screenshot from 16personalities.com

There's still a 13% of extraverted side on me, but I am an 87% introvert, and that's pretty accurate, honestly.
I am the kind of person who prefers being alone that partying with other people. I become fully recharged by just staying in my room, doing stuffs that make me feel relaxed.
Aside from that, I like being in a meaningful conversation with someone I'm comfortable with, and tries to avoid nonsense convo which I think will just waste my time for nothing.
But of course, I am also trying my best to engage myself in socializing stuffs to improve my communication skill as a future educator and a writer.

ENERGY: Intuitive

Screenshot from 16personalities.com

I'm the type of person who never close her mind to possibilities. I am not limiting myself with something I know could possibly change. I think, most of us are like that. Since life is unpredictable and sometimes complex, we don't know what will happen next, and that make us imaginative, open-minded, and curious.
Furthermore, it's true that I value originality, who wouldn't be? I believe that all of us have this creative or imaginative side that's worth flexing than using other works to gain compliments. Of course, it's better to be praised for valuing originality rather than being a fan of fakes or plagiarized works.
On the other side, there's also a percentage saying that I have an observant side, and that's right. In order to understand what's going around, the first thing we can all do is to observe, and make conclusions on how can we be able to adjust and understand something to prevent problems from arising.

NATURE: Feeling

Screenshot from 16personalities.com

Yes, I value empathy a lot. I am easily drawn with other's emotions which make me empathize more on what they're going through. But sometimes, I am trying my best to put such limits on this nature of mine because what if I'm just being deceived by someone. I don't want to be fooled for being soft hearted so I'm also using my critical thinking ability to weigh the situation correctly.

TACTICS: Judging

Screenshot from 16personalities.com

It's not that I'm a judgmental type of person, I'm just being decisive, thorough and highly organized on my decisions. As much as possible, I don't want to be impulsive in making decision because I am afraid with the consequences of my action. I am always doing my best to open my mind with possibilities that will put such clarity on what choice should I choose to come up with a better result.

IDENTITY: Turbulent

Screenshot from 16personalities.com

To be honest, I am experiencing difficulty on this identity of mine. As much as I don't want to pressure myself in doing things perfectly, I'm still doing so because I don't want to come up with a terrible result. On that note, I'm always stressing myself out with things I am afraid to turn out negatively.

But despite the negative vibes, I am reminding myself to improve by learning upon my mistakes. As a success-driven person, we all dream of standing in the finish line of success. But before achieving it we must always be eager to improve and be optimistic while still on the process.


People may differ from each other, but it will never be a hindrance to achieve harmony.
Just like my personality, I may be a shy type of person, but I'm still doing my best to interact with you all here. Despite how doubtful I am sometimes to express myself, the assurance that this community holds makes me comfortable in interacting without negative judgments. And that's what I'm always thankful for.

How about you, what personality do you have?

Author's Note:

First of all, I want to say thank you for leaning your time to read this article. I hope, you gained valuable knowledge from it that may help you in whatever aspect you have there.

Second, thank you for those who are supporting me in my journey here. From my readers, sponsors, and friends, thank you for always being there.

Lastly, I hope we will all have a prosperous day everyday, and a life full of blessings from above. Godbless us all. ❤️

Date Published: June 20, 2022

Lead Image: Unsplash

GIF: Originally edited in Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


Am also an introvert, who could spend the whole day in my room pressing my phone or seeing a movie.

I feel it is better inside my house than outside, as I tend to dissociate myself from anyfhing trouble.

So good listing a brief intro of you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad to know someone who has the same safe space as me — inside the house. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I took this personality test a few months ago and as far as I can remember, I am INTJ-T haha

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We're almost the same then. Just differ with the Thinking/Feeling part. 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago