Change and Smile

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Changes, Optimistic, Life

As time passes by, everything changes. We can't predict what will happen tomorrow because it will never be the same as today or even yesterday.

That's what I always keep in my mind. This past few days I've been exhausted with so many things and having this kind of thoughts somehow makes me feel relieved, though it's not totally a relaxing feeling since it was mixed with melancholic emotions as well.

I felt relieved in a sense that no matter how exhausting this day is for instance, tomorrow could welcome me with a better day than today. For instance, I am really tired in doing my learning tasks and other obligations at home, but when I'm done with those, later or tomorrow, I will feel relaxed because the burden was gone.

On the other hand, I felt that melancholic feeling when today is a better one. I have that scary feeling in me that this day filled with happiness could possibly be replaced with sadness on the other day. It's not always stormy, yes that's true. But, it's not always sunny as well.

The sun doesn't shine the whole day, because night will come and darkness will be dominate everything we see that time.

But, you know what? We have to embrace that changes so we won't be left behind. We have to be strong and flexible enough to go with the flow and we can't resist to be stuck in a place that won't make us grow.

We have to grow and that includes embracing the dynamic flow of life.

We shouldn't always be in our comfort zone all the time. Yes, being in our comfort zone will make us feel relaxed and safe, but, it's not that very challenging enough to make us strong and be the best version of ourselves. It's still better to take on some challenges that will add thrill and excitement in our lives.

Just imagine a plot of a story without conflict or challenges on it. Isn't it boring to just read or watch the protagonist without having any problem to be solved or without the antagonist that will trigger everyone to feel the thrill? It's boring, obviously.

We need challenges that will make us strong, so we have to embrace changes in our lives and be optimistic with it.

I have a life about this topic that I will share with you this time.

I have this friend who seems to be very comfortable just staying in her comfort zone and never dared before to take challenging things. She's not totally an introvert since she loves to talk with other people, but, what I mean with her staying in her comfort zone is when she refused to study in college at first because she's afraid of the possible challenges that she might encounter.

She said that she prefers staying at home while helping her mom in household chores rather than studying in college or even working. She doesn't want herself to be stressed with pile of tasks outside their home. She didn't trust herself that much and she was very afraid on the possible transition of her life, from being comfortable at home to studying or working outside. She's not used to changes, maybe, but everything changed when realization hit her.

Nothing will happen if she will forever be in her relaxation phase. No thrill and no challenges, mean everything is boring in a sense that it will just make her lazy.

She was then felt embarrassed looking at her successful friends who took challenges to be where they are now, unlike her who who was devoured by cowardice that made the opportunities to fade away.

When that realization hit her, she finally decided to take on some risk. She risk herself by making a choice, that will soon change her life.

Now, she is already a successful teacher. She managed to graduate and work in a decent workplace, with good salary. Her life changes in a positive way despite the negativities that surround her before.

It's not too late to change our life, we have many opportunities around, waiting for us to grab them.


Changes are part ouf our lives. There's an inextricable link that will never let us to be separated from it. We have to accept the fact that life is not static, but a dynamic one. We have to embrace every changes that will make us grow and be the best version of ourselves. Everything happens for a reason, so don't be afraid when a sudden change came. There's a reason for that, be optimistic in a sense that positivity will always prevail and never let negativities to dominate everything.

So, even if I am feeling exhausted for quite some time in my daily life, I am trying my best to feel lively and be optimistic all the time. Whether my day is stormy or sunny, I am still capable of painting it with what I want to feel.

The decision will always rely on us. If the day is bad, paint it with desired happiness.

We can all do it, so start it with a smile!

Author's Note:

It's been a while again since I'm gone publishing an article here. As a matter of fact, there are times that I am totally free, but, my mind seems detained with drowning thoughts that made everything crumbled in my mind.

But, I am here again, publishing this to motivate and inspires everyone.

Hope you like it!

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: November 9, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally created by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Changes, Optimistic, Life


Before I am also afraid of going out of my comfort zone. I am used to just staying at home. Thinking of going out from my comfort makes me scared. I have so many negative thoughts in my mind but later on I realize many things. Nothing would happen in my life if I would stay there forever so I tried risking even if I know that I failed in other things. I tried even though there are lots of changes that are about to happen and I will encounter. But because of my eagerness to change my life, I adapt and embrace those changes in my life.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I'm glad that you made a great choice. That will surely inspire everyone to not be afraid of stepping out on their comfort zones. We need changes in our lives because we are not living in a static world, it is rather a dynamic one that will soon left us behind if we didn't know how to move forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that is true, If we won't go with the flow, we will be left behind because every day this world is changing. In order not to be left out, we need to accept or acknowledge those changes and make a step forward.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also afraid when I'm getting too contented in my comfort zone, I need something to make myself challenge, I feel like I need to get out on my comfor zone so that I could grow as a person. Challenges exist so that we could finish them. Changes is the constant thing in this world so we need to go with this phase.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Those words are very motivational, so thank you for sharing it. Everything changes, nothing's permanent in this world at all. We have to go with the flow and that includes accepting that we need change in our life to make it more challenging and exciting. To be in our comfort zone seems relaxing but, staying there forever will make us stuck and never grow into who are supposed to be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am also afraid of changes, I am afraid to start a new things, but then I realized that life is boring without new happenings to my life. As you said life is boring without challenges.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

True, there's no thrill at all if we refuse to take on some challenges in our life. We don't deserve to be boring throughout our life, we deserve a life full of excitement and that will be met if we take some risk also for quite some time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So happy you're back. Yes, embracing change can be difficult and scary but if we want to move forward and have a better life, it's a chance we have to take. Some days will be happy, others, not so much, but as you said, that's part of life.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thank you. Change is always there with us so we have to take it. If we want to move forward, we shouldn't be afraid of an opportunity that will make us grow. And yes, we have to accept the fact that not every day is for us to be happy, and that seems to be normal already.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The line, I am afraid to be happy as I may be sad the next day. Hays! Lagi akong ganito kaya pinipigilan kong sumaya e.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Kaya nga po nakakatakot minsan talaga if masyado tayong masaya sa particular day na ito, kasi there's a possibility na yung kabaliktaran naman ang mangyari the next day. But, minsan imbes na matakot, minsan mas magandang enjoy nalang din.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga. Let's make the best of everyday we have kasi di na natin alam ano pwede mangyari next day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a very good idea po, let's be optimistic nalang in everything that happens in our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to see you again. Yes, you are right. Changes according to situation and setting a goal will help us grow a bright future.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Hello, dear. Correct, changes occur in every situation and yes, if we have our goals to be achieved, we could be the best version of ourselves someday as we grow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago