Be Happy Without Destroying Someone's Family

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3 years ago

Free channels on television nowadays are mostly airing drama series about love problems that most people got to experience especially for married couples.

Those cliché plots about a happy family with a loving wife, a hardworking father, and lovely children, which at first perceived as a perfect family. But, a third party will come to test how loyal either the wife or husband to each other, and sadly one of them will bite on the temptation that will soon destroy the almost perfect family.

I know, we are all familiar with this kind of story. Those plots maybe fictional when aired on the television or in social media platforms, but they are really happening in real life situation.

Modern days are not always about technological advancements and their adverse effects on humans. Along with the innovating world, here comes the changes about the norms and traditions we grew up with especially in terms of love and courtship.

Ways of courtship had changed dramatically, from serenading the girl outside their home without physical contact like touching, upto the courtship happening through chats in social media, then will meet-up later on, without the parent's consent. Everything happens quickly, even in just several clicks. Teenagers are prone to this and even unloyal married couples. There are people out their whose valuing their IPhone more than their dignity. They are willing to give it to someone without hesitation just to get the fancy things they desired the most. I am not generalizing all people here. This is just based on what I've observed from some people I got to encounter with before.

For some people, they don't consider marriage as a sacred thing anymore. They just live with the person they love without considering themselves getting married and having Lord's guidance. They will live happily for a short period of time, have children and part ways when they got bored with the set-up or because of the intervention of a home-wrecker. Some even got married to each other, but after being tired with other's true colors, they will soon file a divorce or annulment. They even throw stone of insults to each other as if they didn't have a relationship before.

They are not in love after all, that's why it's very easy for them to broke up. But, the children they have will suffer because of their actions.

Betrayal, mistress and temptations are everywhere. If the love that a couple share with each other is not that strong, if someone pulled it up, it will break up easily.

My best friend shared a true story about this topic.

His brother's girlfriend has a broken family. Her mother and father are in a relationship before and they have 3 children. They live as a couple for how many years, but separated later on (By the way, I don't know if they are married). The mother chose to work as an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in Qatar, and the father decided to work as well in Manila, leaving their children at home with their grandparents.

At first, the support are fully given to the children by their parents but after a year, it became reduced. Why? Because their parents had already found their new partners in life and decided to build another family. The father now is happy with his new family but the mother is not that lucky enough because her newly found partner died and she's being left alone again.

To clarify the story, the father has another set of children from his new family, but the mother never had a child again with her new partner and decided to get back again to her kids that she left before. Luckily, her children forgave and accepted her again. But, the mother wants to have a partner for the third time, I guess. She's my online friend in my Facebook account and based on her posts, she looks like seducing her prey and lots of these man are commenting how beautiful and sexy she is in her photos.

Another evidence to prove her action is that, when my best friend's brother and her girlfriend (whom the daughter of the woman I'm talking about) broke up, the mother took the part of seducing the father of my best friend instead.

She's been texting a man who already had a happy family and been calling even in midnight. My best friend once answered the call of that promiscuous woman in the middle of the night and found out the sluttish action.

I'm glad that my best friend's father realized his mistakes for entertaining another woman without his wife's knowledge. Their family was almost destroyed by a home-wrecker woman and the real love between the couple has prevail.

According to my best friend, the almost mistress of her father is looking for another guy in our barangay again and I really do hope that she will not hunt a man with a family already. I'm praying that she will stop from doing that sin and focus more on parenting her children especially because one of her kids has been influenced with her actions. That daughter of her is still young, but has been switching guys for months and acting like a liberated play girl.

Hayysss, what a problematic family.

I am beyond grateful for having a both loyal parents with a very strong relationship that can't be easily broke down by just a third party. Despite the problems we are encountering everyday, we face them and surpassed it all as a family. No one's left behind, no one got to let go from us. And that's because the love is so strong, and God is the center of our family. We may not be rich when it comes to financial aspects, but we are rich in love and God's grace.


It's okay to be happy without stepping on other people's happiness. We should keep in mind that even though the world is full of betrayal, always choose to be loyal even when someone is seducing us to do what is wrong. Temptation is always there and just waiting for us to bite it in. At first, we might feel the pleasure but not the happiness at all. Happiness is way more deep than just a pleasure. Pleasure is short-term but happiness can lasts forever.

A mistress will never be happy at all by choosing to live with a married man/woman. That won't lasts eternally, and lots of people around them will suffer especially the kids of the married couple. Always choose to do the right thing despite the temptations that acting like a snake. Let us break the emerging negative norms again, and spread love and positivity instead.

Be happy without destroying someone's family and rather choose to live a joyful life that you can call as your own.

Author's Note:

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Written by
3 years ago


This should reach many for it has powerful message

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Everyone must be educated on this kind of matter, that it's never been okay to destroy someone's family for their own good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is and will always be not good to ruin a family.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Whatever the angle is, ruining a family for our own good will always be a sin.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just love your writings👍💖

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you sa pagbabasa. ☺️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago