Bad Dreams: Lessons or Signs?

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Written by
3 years ago

All of us dream everytime we sleep at night or just taking a nap at day time. We can dream about the most wonderful things we haven't experienced before but, we can also dream about bad things that we can consider as a nightmare.

For the past few nights, I've been dreaming what I really want to experience in real life. Dreaming about living in a beautiful and surreal places like Japan and Paris, and being with all the person I am closed to. I don't know if it's called cheating since there's a bit influence of my ability being a lucid dreamer, but you can't blame me also since I've experienced sleep paralysis that time that force me to just perform lucid dreaming to prevent myself from being scared with the thought of a monster on my bed.

Just last night, I think the good things I dreamed previously were replaced by nightmares. It wasn't that scary for some people since it doesn't have ghost or monster intervention, but for me those are nightmares that I don't want to experience in reality.

So here they are:

1. I was bitten by a dog with a rabies

This is the very first bad dream that I could still remember among the rest. That time, my dog is playing with me then suddenly her behavior changed and bitten me. I was in shock, yes, and I felt the pain of a deep wound on my right foot but there's no dripping blood. It's just a dream that's why unusual things always happen just like getting a wound without a trace of blood. I was very worried to tell it to my mom back then in my dream, but still manage to do it but I was scolded a lot of times that made me cry. A doctor came immediately (I don't know where) and shown me a sharp pointed syringe that I feared the most, and after that, I don't know what happened already. Maybe, my dream shifted into another one again.

In real life, I love dogs but I'm really scared of their bites. Not all dogs have rabies, but still, getting vaccinated will be considered to avoid future complications. I have this late cousin who got bitten by a dog but refuse to get vaccinated fully. Her mom didn't sent her to finish the vaccination so as a consequence, that cousin of mine died because of rabies. Everyone of us related to her mourned for her death so as a lesson, everytime that one of us got bitten by a dog, getting vaccinated will be a priority first.

I hope this dream is not a sign of me getting bitten by a dog in the future. Huhu

2. I accidentally deleted my wallet without any copy of my recovery phrase

I admit that I am getting addicted with bitcoin cash, so even in my dreams, that won't leave me. I dreamed last night of losing all of my hodled BCH. This is kinda scary and frustrating thing that I don't want to happen in real life because those bch I have came from my hardwork and the generosity of and team.

That dream of mine happened like this. I was scrolling through my phone when an ad about a certain application suddenly popped up. As a curious cat (metaphorically speaking) I clicked that ad and an option of downloading it got me hypnotized. I downloaded it but my other application had to to sacrifice since my phone was in full storage. I don't know what happened exactly after that time, but when I'm about to check my bch, my app got deleted already. I was so shock and frustrated at the same time with the thought of losing it without any copy of my recovery phrase. I tried to use my email as a back-up but it doesn't worked so I cried again. Just in time, I suddenly woke up by my brother's voice. He didn't woke me up intentionally, but his loud voice while still on call, got me back in consciousness. He is teaching someone about how to trade in Binance over the call while sitting near my bed, so unlike me getting annoyed on him on the previous days, I was thankful now that he disturbed my sleep.

In real life, I don't want to lose my bch just for nothing. I am very careful not to delete my app, because I keep all of my earned bch there. I haven't written my recovery phrases of all of my wallets before, but now, everything's fine already since I wrote and keep those immediately in a safe place. I even made lots of copies from different papers so if ever that I lost one copy, I still have backups.

Maybe, this dream of mine is a reminder about me getting in trouble of my funds in the future if I didn't do something as early as now. So, I am thankful for this dream (even if I considered it as a nightmare) because I got to write down immediately the very important thing to not lose my bch for nothing.

These two are some of the dreams I can still remember since I woke up. I know, I dreamed a lot of things last night, but I can't figure out the exact events happened, so I just listed down the two of the most bad dreams I had that night.


Having dreams while we sleep is a common thing for us humans. We can dream of a very special things, but we can also dream about the opposite. Nothing's perfect even while we sleep, but what we had experienced can teach us a lesson or served as a reminder or sign. We shouldn't just ignore our dreams at night, because according to some experts, dreams have an interpretation that we must pay attention to.

Dreams are full of lessons, reminders, and signs. Don't ignore it.

Author's Note:

I wrote this article just after I woke-up, but since I have to work on the household chores assigned to me this morning, I chose to save a draft of it and decided to publish when I'm free.

Thank you for reading!!!

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Written by
3 years ago


Yes po i agree na minsan yung mga dreams natin ay sign or warning. Wala naman masama kung mag iingat tayo eh. Kaya depende na lang po sa tayo kung gusto nila maniwala or hindi po.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Opo, sometimes may hidden meaning talaga yung dreams natin. Wala din namang mawawala if maniwala tayo as long as tama yung ginagawa natin. So, tama kayo, dapat as early as now, maging maingat tayo.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

for me , Minsan it is not true the bad dreams that there have a sign ..i d'dnt believe that hehe , more article & Godbless po๐Ÿ˜‡

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I also agree with your opinion since some of our dreams came from our imagination, but then I believe also about signs or lessons that I can interpret in my dreams. More articles and bch also to you, ma'am.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's a sign to be more careful dear.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

That's what I think too, maybe it's a warning for me to not be in trouble in the future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.02
3 years ago

I guess losing your bitcoin waller is a lesson. I realized I need to do the same, writing the important thing down.

In my end as well, I constantly dream of something bad. As in for the whole week, almost 5 days straight. I just found myself crying and frightened when I woke up that I do not know what I dreamt of.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes, we all need to do something to secure our bitcoin wallets.

Oh, I hope you will begin to dream about something good na sa susunod na gabi. ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sana nga Amy. Natatakot nako minsan matulog, kaya minsan napupuyat nako.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ganiyan din ako, pero may kapalit naman na magandang panaginip sa susunod. Dasal lang po muna tayo lagi bago matulog.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes Amy. Thank you ๐Ÿ’—

$ 0.02
3 years ago

i think those are lessons miss amy. and i am sure you learn from it especially what happened to your bitcoin wallet.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes, I'm glad that it was just a dream, and learned a lesson first before it might happen in the future.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yes even if that's a dream i am sure you panicked in your dream because our wallet is really important

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right, I can't afford to lose my bch for nothing. Hehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

true! even me hahaha

$ 0.02
3 years ago