Sentimental objects / sometimes it's not the money, it's the emotion.

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I have always said that I am quite sentimental, the human being from birth, seeks to be loved, to feel loved and this search for love is reflected in our life. Although it is not in our mind (conscious), the human being seeks (unconscious) to receive love. Why does this happen? To exact science is not clear, there are certain hypotheses that say, "that the human being has in his genes the predisposition to relate to his species", on the other hand, I go more to the fact that as human beings we always cling to inanimate objects, because in a certain way we relate to something or someone, it may be that at that moment we have lived some experience, whether good or bad and certain objectives that we had at that time, make us connect with the emotions that were made in the moments. As a kind of emotional box, where we keep our memories, in this case, we only take the emotion and our container will be a specific object with which we have greater affinity, it can be anything in general.

This is seen a lot, as objects of antiquity today are revalued, in this case, because as we evolve so does our environment, making more sense to want to keep some object, as sentimental value.

This has happened to me in this case. With a very special moment in my life, the birth of my first baby, I can really say that my daughter has marked a before and after in my life. Of course, it has been for the better, even though the obligations already have a higher level of rigorousness, it is not something that we cannot face in this life. The truth is that I want to show you some things that have in some way a sentimental value for me.

Each one of these accessories are part of my life, in essence, the feeling of my daughter who used some of these accessories when she was born. It is not easy for me to describe all the emotions I feel with these clothes, maybe because they were part of the first contact I had with her, they symbolize what was my first connection with my daughter, not only that, but they also come from generation to generation, some of these clothes were used by my niece who, chronologically is 6 years older than my daughter. Besides, it not only represents something important for me, but also for my sister. You don't always think about being fond of this kind of things, but for us these clothes are worth it.

Our upbringing has always been very affectionate, on the one hand my father was always there for us and we never lacked anything, on the other hand my dad had to work, our connection with mom is very strong, but dad was fundamental in our upbringing even though he wasn't with mom most of the time, the affection is unimaginable. The level of sentimentality is very high, I guess it was inherited from my mom.

One of those accessories, as is the case of the bib, was a gift from a person who, for health reasons, ended up passing away. The truth is that part of the reason why it is there is also because I know how fondly that person gave that gift.

My daughter on the other hand, can't see these clothes, even though they don't fit her anymore, she loves to carry them, I guess for the comfort. Or I really don't know, the truth is that she looks very flirtatious. The greatest gift I can have from all this, is to receive something that I know someone else cares too much about. That trusts me completely to take care of it.

Here I have one of the most precious treasures, perhaps because the person who gave me this gift, was someone who more than an aunt, was another mother, I know the time and dedication she had to have put to make with her blessed hands these accessories. I have no words to describe the importance of them, my aunt was a very sweet woman, unfortunately she was not able to meet my daughter. After my baby was born, my aunt fell into a kind of coma due to cancer. That finally ended up killing her. This news was quite painful, even more so when I remembered that with much love, she had given me something for my baby. At that time I had not appreciated the delicacy with which she made this hat, it was quite meticulous, the hands of an expert without a doubt, and not only that, she accompanied it with some mittens, which are just as beautiful as the hat. One of the relatives always receives things, but you don't get used to things happening the way they did with my aunt. Unfortunately, my daughter still has no use for the ribbons. But well, I am impatiently waiting for the day when I will be able to put them on.

On the road of life, storms always come and go, maybe some are so strong that you can not recognize which is the right path, that's why I keep these charms. Maybe they are not relevant, but to think that the person who made them was someone very wise reassures me. If she were alive, one of her most popular phrases was, "calm daughter, every cloud has a silver lining, besides, God's work is perfect" I will never forget these words, because whenever I see these objects the first thing I remember is my aunt.

Before the birth of my daughter, I was always looking forward to her christening and birthday, the truth is that this had me very motivated, since I have use of reasoning I dreamed of doing something really beautiful, especially her clothes and accessories, when the day came, I realized that not everything was as I thought, My sister told me one day that she wanted to give him something as a gift because she was the godmother of his christening, I had no idea what I could give him, so I thought, well maybe you can buy some slippers, she looked at me and replied, okay. After several days, she arrived with a pair of slippers and said to me. Here they are, I was shocked to see them, they were beautiful, they had a touch of elegance and their color was ideal, as pure as the one who wore them.

On the other hand, we went for a walk to my husband's cousins' house and his cousin ended up giving me a gift, it was sealed, I was really curious to look and see what it was, but I had to wait until I got to the house to do it. I had not imagined such a gift, I had not ordered it either, the kindness of a person is not measured by what they can say, it is their actions that end up defining them, I understood that this girl had taken the audacity to make a gift that we certainly had to buy for my baby.

The truth is that I learned several things.

Many times we are completely unfriendly to certain people, maybe at that moment we do not realize it and we are doing it without any intention, but it is worse when we do it with intention and then it happens that something happens to that person, he has an accident. Then we begin to think so many things, which may not have any congruence, but if there is remorse, it eats and hurts because it rots the soul. It does not matter where the gesture comes from, it does not matter if we like it or not, or if we may never use what we are given, but let us learn to accept what comes with good energy, with good intentions.

Have a beautiful Palm Sunday.

$ 3.69
$ 3.64 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @carolinacardoza


Yes po. Sentimental value is not be seen at the things that we have but it is sentimental if you feel that thing is special to you. Apart from that, only picked things are only sentimental to us and we could not changed that fact.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Writing about our children is a source of great joy, we are very passionate about this subject because every moment with them is beautiful.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That's right, OUR children are our daily bread. I really love spending time with my daughter, I learn as much as she learns from me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago