Your growth is different

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2 years ago


Undoubtedly, growth is essential for every individual on this planet. As long as you live and breathe on this planet, growth is important because it's everyone's mandate. The importance of growth to everyone can't be underestimated because it's the measure of everyone's success.

Don't be naive! Everyone needs growth.

How would you feel if you bought seed and it refused to grow?

Growth is different and it occurs at a different pace. To some, it occurs very fast while to some it occurs slowly. Regardless of it, you shouldn't be derailed.  One of the things that can disrupt your growth and render you unproductive is measuring your growth with that of others.

Other people's growths shouldn't be a yardstick for your growth. It's possible you start with your friend and might not be able to withstand his growth.

You might graduate from school the same year but that doesn't mean you will get a job the same year. I realize there are tribe along of you. If you look at it closely, you will realize you aren't sitting at the back, there are many people behind you too. The best thing you can do to yourself is to keep growing and keep maintaining your pace. Once you derail from your path, the journey becomes disastrous and detrimental.


I won't fail to reiterate the topic stated above in full. Your life is waiting for you but your time is not.

Does the topic above seem interesting to you?  If it does, then read to the very end.

You need to know every individual has his best life to live. Apparently, amidst exhausting challenges and excruciating pain that seems you are drowning, you need to optimistically rise above them and prove you can be more because your best life awaits you.

Conspicuously, you have seen countless people fulfilling their dreams and living their best life every day. You won't stop seeing people doing exploits every day, but for you to be counted your intentionality is of utmost importance.

That beautiful life you have been waiting to live is calling at you if you are ready to put in the work required. Time is an unquantifiable determinant towards that great life waiting for you.

To effectively and efficaciously manage your time you need to understand know what you want and what you want to become. The spouse you wish to have, the house you desire to build, the beautiful family you want to raise is calling at you.

Do you know how easy it would be if you know your precise destination?

Your best life is waiting for you. Stop delaying it.


The majority of the world's population don't place value on themselves, only a few do and those are the few that rises to the position of influence. Do you want to become great in this life?

Place value on yourself!

Accomplish with me, let me exhibit to you something

What is VALUE?

We have different definitions of value, but allow me to give you the dictionary meaning of value. Value means to regard highly


Evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of something or someone(emphasis mine).

Like I said before, we live in a world where only a few people place value on themselves, while others are left to dance to the dictates of men.

Those who place value on themselves can never be manoeuvered by any man, not even the kings and presidents of this world. Placing value on yourself is, giving yourself a standard definite protocol in all spheres of life. I know you don't understand this

Come with me

It means letting people know what you stand for, anytime, and anywhere, without compromise. Some people can't fully define what they stand for, that's the reason why anyone can use them anyhow they want and still go their way. If you don't exist for anything, you will plunge for something.

In this life, there's no neutral ground. It's either you place value on yourself and stand for it, or you're used by others to the detriment of yourself.

Most ladies are easily lured to bed because they refuse to place value on themselves, so a man can flash some few cash in their presence and before you know it, they've already fallen for the man and that leads to their defilement.

What a pity!!

When the value is in place you can't be cajoled to do what is not your desire! Place strict value on yourself so that anyone that sees you will know what you stand for, and for this reason, give you a high level of respect.

Placing value on yourself is not pride, it's an act to define who you truly are and what you stand for. Respect can't buy you value, but value can buy you respect.

Think about it

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Written by
2 years ago
