Many Ways To Boost Your Confidence Level

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3 years ago

Many Ways To Boost Your Confidence Level

Practice What You Know

The tasks of building and boosting your confidence as a leader start with the act of practising what you know and how best you know it. Assumptions kill, most especially when pride is its driving force.

By putting to test what you know, your errors and shortfalls will be exposed at the earlier stage in your journey of boosting your confidence. The beauty there is that you would be saved from the public embarrassment that most leaders faced when giving a public speech.

It is a truism that by practising what you know, you:

* Become expert over time.

* Will be exposed to strategies in overcoming fear.

* Become a consultant and a role model.

* Become confident and speak with authority.

*Get paid.

Don't expect the tasks to be easy, you must be self-disciplined, expunge your comfort zone and have faith in yourself.

Control Your Ego

Knowing your limits and admitting your shortcomings is a true mark of a leader. This gesture not only accrued respect for you but also boost your confidence level.

The act of trying to improve on your weaknesses will go a long way to expunge pride and ego from your faculty of thinking.

Ego control gives you a psychological advantage when you ask for help. People will be readily available to render whatever help at their disposal to assist you with what you want.

Controlling your ego will provide you with a shield to protect you against public slander.  The charismatic benefits there is that, your battle will be fought by your allegiance.

Ego control is synonymous with escaping stray bullet and power intoxication. These two character assassination, once put under control prevents undermining the confidence level of a leader.

Controlling your ego does not mean you should sacrifice your principle, all you need do is to tame it whenever you are heading to a state of destruction which is visible through pride.

Relinquish Your Comfort Zone

No battle has ever been won convincingly in a comfort zone not even in a computer-simulated game, talk less in a real-life situation.

People go out there hard to hit the nail on the head and feel the sense of victory. Wishing only create more chances to keep you in the past.

As a leader, by any means necessary, relinquish your comfort zone.

The danger of comfort zone is that:

* Your functionality as a leader will be shrink and compressed in a circle of mediocrity.

* The future becomes an uninteresting adventure to pursue

* You are easily thrown off the balance at the slightest of the heat of discomfort.

Confidence building becomes Herculean tasks when comfort zone is your compass.

You can relinquish it by:

* making urgency in task completion your priority.

* Avoiding task which makes you fit and comfortable with past glory.

* Invest your energy on a growth mission and

* Be proactive with the use of resources at your disposal.

Confidence boosting is not as difficult as it appears but our mental preparedness in pursuing the needful is a major deciding factor.

Self Education

The mind, a seat where information is first placed before central distribution takes place, need to be put into some training before ascertaining its readiness in the realm of confidence.

Self-education is the process of seeking knowledge, information, ideas and concepts that are destined to affect the whole being positively and constructively.

Self-education begins first with understanding the music your mind listen to often. What the mind comes into contact with consistently, affect how it controls the body. As a leader, train your mind to be open to positive inspiring messages. This action serves as an immune booster to your confidence level.

However, you must form the habit of reading. Read books that will equip you with information. This is the best armour you can put on to sustain your authority and confidence when you speak. The more you read, the stronger your confidence in that field.

Through self-education, you will be more acquainted with your strengths and weaknesses. This is the best practice you can do to avoid confidence charade.

Self-education gives you a mirror, reflecting the look of whom you want to be. The more visible the look, the more your confidence is strengthened.

Never underestimate any sign of character flop whenever you are building your confidence. A weak link in your quest to boost your confidence level can be put under siege if an appropriate measure is not taken.

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3 years ago
