Lessons Of Life ~ It's the part of Learning

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Avatar for Amnaaa
Written by
3 years ago

Most of us want to be on the moon, want to surpass everything to live in a parallel universe but when reality hits them hard, they step back but some of them manipulate the reality, play with it in their minds to pave a path to be there

where they want to kiss the Stars.

Everything we are going through is part of learning.

Good or bad whatever is happening with us or around us is providing our experiences and these experiences will modifying or personality Visibly or invisibly.

We can't remain the same, whether we will grow with each passing day or will go in reverse gear but we can't remain at that point where we used to be at yesterday.

You might have heard the words " be yourself " a lot of times. Being yourself isn't so easy, for this, you have to focus on your thoughts first, what are you thinking, where your thoughts are taking you, you have to be very careful about the emotions that your heart is generating, without control over your thoughts and being emotionally fragile can demolish you and the goals being set by you. Overburdening yourself by Perplexed, bewildered thoughts, thinking about toxic past events is like chaining yourself with a wrecking ball that will not allow you to go anywhere but only will weigh you down and you will get stuck in the mud of depression, anxiety or stress.

Being yourself isn't so easy especially in our society where hypocrisy becomes a norm but at least we can try by sharing our frustration here on social media with our friends who are far but know us better than those we are surrounded by.

Try to Compile your thoughts, make a stem of them and let the branches come out of that stem with a belief that a day will come when the green leaves of prosperity definitely will grow on them.

Erase me from your mind

While checking the phone no his eyes saw a no which he has erased so many years before from his mind, but it still exists like it, he closed his eyes and thought about the person, why he erased the person from his mind.

After meditation he came to know about the person, this creature met him in a restaurant with his friend and his friend introduced the person and this friendship made as and ran like a rocket but sometimes research rocket can not reach the finishing point and blasted on the way this friendship was blasted before reaching the destination.

This friendship gave a lesson that never relies on the person who May come into life like a moon and go back like a sun, first to understand the chemistry of man then start the friendship but in life, some incidents do not give us time to think and we decide instantly.

It is called an error of judgement or flaw. We think we are doing right but in reality, we are doing wrong and this wrong in the end destroy us completely.

Such things in later stage make problem when newly person is opened before you and you feel you have done some blunder but you can not keep a distance from such a person.

These people create problems and it's time they decide, you have no choice at that time when they are displayed with dirty nature before you, they enjoy such situations but you are in severe trouble.

Don't follow the crowd.

Be yourself.

When life hits you hard, at that time you come to know the Real, the real friends, Your real potential and your real place in the eyes of this world. Never be afraid of being real, because

In this fake world, the only real thing you can find is Your true self and that true self is hidden inside of you. Search for it if you want to live in your real world.

Future belongs to those who care about themselves.

It's not selfishness but a fact that if you wouldn't have anything then how would you give something to someone to help them out to get out of the misery they are bound to live in.

Take good care of yourself as tomorrow again you have to be on your own to fight against all those things you have been fighting since the day you have realized your life is your responsibility and no one, no one will walk in your shoes to take you to that point where you always wanted to be.

Be yourself, be authentic, none of us is perfect, keep doing mistakes, learn from them and a day will come, when perfection itself would come to you to learn how to be Perfect.

Live and let live

Don't lose hope because this is the only thing that can take you to the top of the mountains, the only thing that can fill your heart with the courage to fathom the oceans, the only thing that can help you to unleash your real potential.

Don't lose hope, it is the biggest asset you have that unseen but it can help you to see beyond your limits.


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$ 4.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amnaaa
Written by
3 years ago
