Greasing Relationships

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2 years ago


Oftentimes, we see people leverage on their relationship(s), using it as a ladder into great achievements.

Then we ask questions like God when? Why is it so easy for them? Don't I have relationships too?

Some people will conclude that they do not have the right relationships. With this belief, they will discard the old relationships and begin to hunt for new ones. Funny state!

Well, sometimes, nothing is wrong with the existing relationships but you. You've to understand what it takes to be with people.

What is commonly understood by the majority is building relationships, we neglect that it requires maintenance. To maintain your relationship, it requires greasing (oiling).

When it comes to mentor-mentee relationships, it is wrong for mentees to depend completely on the mentor. Yes! That came from me. You have to be independent.

You(the mentee) want to receive abundantly but you're not willing to contribute the little you know, I bet that relationship is not alright.

To grease your relationships and enjoy the benefits just as oiling the parts of your farming tools keeps them in a good state, you must be valuable.

Valuable in the sense that you add something important and useful to the lives that come your way.

Be hospitable.

This hospitality of a thing goes a long way. Feel free to check on your friends, colleagues and mentors. Even your teachers appreciate things like this. I know because I do. A simple note, a brief call or SMS goes a long way in greasing your relationships.

It shouldn't be about what you will receive always.

Frequent communication.

Communication is key! Talk frequently (depending on the relationship). Be formal when you have to. Be playful when need be.

Keep greasing your relationships!


My days as a fresher in the University taught me a lot. It's not easy to be a fresher, not at all. I had many experiences, but I remember trying to find my way around the school and faculty.

If I say it was frustrating, that will be an understatement. How can I explain the day I found myself walking back in the direction I was coming from?

This little experience taught me to ask questions. It doesn't make sense to do the wrong thing confidently only to discover it was a waste of time. I told myself, there's no time to waste trying to find the route myself.

It's either the road map or I ask for directions. On the other pointer, I utilized the two.

But there was a problem. This is what most people encounter and keep them mute when they want to ask questions.

How do I approach people?

Uncertain of the response people will give, I drew back. This was what I did. I approached people with a smile, greeting and my mind prepared for an answer.

• Don't be rude whenever you approach people.

This worked. Though sometimes, I asked the wrong person and I was snubbed. Nevertheless, I moved.

Dear newbie, you have to develop the habit of asking questions and seeking guidance. Look at your industry, there are people there who have walked the walk, they can tell you when to run and when to fly. They comprehend everything you are attempting to accomplish.

Why don't you draw closer to them? A funny thing is that some newbies expect to be summoned by experts. No! It's not done. They are too busy to know if you're struggling with anything. You've to take yourself to them and be willing to be groomed.

You don't have all the time to start trying what works or does not. Someone has done that on your behalf, reach out to them. Sooner or later, you'll have to put others through.

Have you concluded that some people are born talented to do certain things?

Here's the good news. Everyone is talented. You have a special ability(s) that can only be discovered if you pay attention to them.

Let's talk about those who are talented but seek ways of acquiring skills.

I'll cite myself as an example. I started writing at a very tender age, I wrote fables and short stories as a little girl.

Over time, I discovered writing was my talent. I did excellently in essay writing and articles, which explains why I found it comfortable been in the literary and debating society and press club in high school.

But then, as I grew, I felt the need to have a skill that makes me valuable and sought for. Different options popped in, from soft skills to hard skills.

I wanted something I would do pleasantly and earn from.

I had a hard time settling for which was the best. I couldn't place my hand on any. I knew I derived joy and fulfilment from writing but my write-ups only existed in the confines of my books. I never knew my talent could become a high paying skill until I came to the virtual space. Then, I began to see new things, I saw people doing great with their talents.

That inspired me, I believed I could do the same. But how?

The first thing I did was to submit to training. I came to understand that though it's inborn, there's a need for sharpening and reshaping.

Many do not understand this simple logic. No matter how gifted you are, some things can only come to light if you expose yourself to the right conditions. Especially, if you're multi-talented, you have to be patient enough to discover which one to focus on.

I did the same, those we respect in their respective fields also did the same. Submission!

Are you asking me if it's possible to acquire a skill even if you have zero talent? Of course, you can. It just comes easy if you've it deposited in you.

Do something about your talent!

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Written by
2 years ago
