Increasing covid cases in india
The way covid cases are increasing in india seems like we may have to go for a nation wide lockdown in the coming weeks . Coping with the increasing number of deaths has been a problem for the health deparments of major states . It seems like it is getting difficult to arrange oxygen for the ill patients in the country .
Staying home
Staying at home has been a major issue for most of the indian nationals as not only is it increasing financial burden but seeing around the deaths and the illness of people , creating a negetive impact on the mental health of people . An inappropriate mental health not only stress the whole neurological system but also the immunity of people . Seeing around , it mentally disturbs a person if he or she is covid positive . Instead of fighting the disease our mind makes us say that the world has shattered and we cant do anything but succumb to death .
To do : For a healthy mind
Exercise daily . Do yoga . Or medidate for atleast one hour in the morning .
Take it as life has given you a chance to watch your favourite movies and to slow down the pace of your life . Watch sitecoms learn a skill or cook . Take a hobby and try to be perfect in it till the lockdown doesnt end .
Talk to friends and keep a check on your loved ones . Call them often . Select a contact from your phonebook and call atleast one friend/relative a day .
Try to help each other in household work .
Sleep well .
Play games at home .
Spend quality time with family.