What Meme represent your life .

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1 year ago


Our daily life met with planned and unplanned tasks which we go through and got the experience especially when we do something new.

Giving answers to others are never easy but these are source to know better each other. I got this questionnaire to answer and let'see how I respond.

Who is your favourite author of literature and why?

Photo source

One and only "Bano Qudsiya" . I really love her scripts because In his works, there is a clear analysis about the oneness of Allah, the status of women and the sensitive relationship between men and women. She was one of writing personality who has unique writing method, style and depth. The most famous novel from her pen was " Raja Gidh" which published in mid of 1982. That has 27 publishing editions till now and still people read it . She wrote stories , books like lahaasil , raja Gidh and darama scripts.

What is one thing your Mom or dad doesn't understand about you?

Well , sadly both has been passed away and can't express my feelings about it. I was very young, did secondary school certificate when Mom died and ten year later dad too .

Who's relationship do you admire and why?

My vote will be in swing of my wife. I admire her by heart because she is the one who cares me a lot . I admire her because she is wise and know how to live in different circumstances. I never saw any question on her face even I have empty pockets. Also never wasteful spending even she has full wallet. I admire on her face too which is pretty much reality.

What meme represent your life.

Meme is special tool to express our feelings and emotions. Bitcoin cash put its taste so sweetly in my life that can't live without it. I think not only me , thousands of people had daily interactions with BCH and it's utility.

Internet inlightling our life because it giving us connectivity with Bitcoin cash. My today's life showing in this Meme where both conditions explained.

If you could merry a celebrity, who it Will be.

Well , it is typically difficult for a married person of Asian society to say something about his choice from celebrity. If , if and if possible ( at the age of marriage) , I should choose "Salma Aga" a famous singer , actress of recent past.

How many capitals of world can recognise without help of Google.

I have very sharp mind in general knowledge, international politics and geography. Today almost 200 countries are members of UNO. Out of 200 I can say knows 150 country's capital and can respond instantly against any country name.

It is again result of my one of the hobby in school life when I remember all these during different quizzes.

Thank you for your kind time to read this questionnaire and my response. Like upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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are free to use this questionnaire for your response in article.

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Lead image: Pixabay (modified)


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Oh my apology for late response! Just got busy with life outside this platform... I will for my response in the next few days.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Jazakallah dear sir for mentioning me as well. I will come up with my version soon.

Bano Qudsiya was one of the great writers, indeed (My her soul RIP).

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lol...this meme truly depicts our plight with or without Internet. So qudsia apa was your favorite literature writer. I will write my answers soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

one thing that i really like u is that knowing the 150 capital and it was a testament how smart is ypu

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am very sorry for your parents. May Allah grant them a place in heaven. Ameen Thanks to mention me now I'm busy but I'll Trying to answer these question

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm sorry about your perants but it's really true that after perants the best relationship is of husband and wife. Thank you for mentioning, I'll try to answer these questions

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You must be very brilliant to know 150 countries' capital. That's a lot. I'll take up the challenge and write about it in my next post. I'm glad for being mentioned 🥰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for mentioning me in this article.. I am still busy in cashrain.. But, I shall try to give answer of such cute question in form of article.. Unfortunately, I am forgetful person. Haha..

$ 0.00
1 year ago