Utilisation of BCH in near future!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


The monitory system and financial structure in most of countries changing rapidly. From barter trade , stones , metallic coins , paper currency , plastic notes , digital currency and now Crypto , A long rich history of financial services has and time to time adopt new things according to the need of hour.

BCH is fastest growing Currency with its unique block size which enables to do millions of transactions in no time with perfection and speed. Because BCH is real cash and When financial structure changed , the behaviour and attitude of users also changed towards innovative , friendly and approachable echo system.

When BCH will be circulated as fiat now , imagine the way of life , our life style and ways of doing things will be changed accordingly.

BCH as gifts.

Sending and receiving gifts to our beloved ones is our one of the oldest traditional value. Almost every part of world has this culture of gifts. As lot of things changing their shape and form of doing . The gifts exchange also going to change soon. Crypto going to replace the metallic things to give as gift to our close one. And BCH will be at top due to cheaper in fee ( almost cents) and speed. Also owner ship due to its decentralised block chain. What will be your choice to send a gift , for me if possible first choice will be Bitcoin cash due to its store value.

BCH as Savings for kids.

It is natural phenomena of wise people that they always keep in back some thing for bad patch. They never worried in any affliction or pandemic because they have enough savings in their hands to fulfill the needs .

What should we save for our kids? In my opinion people will start soon to save Bitcoin cash as emergency fund for bad patch and for kids future. Because it has potential , capabilities and qualities to fulfill the requirements of the bearer at any time , any where. So listen of your heart and start savings now with bitcoin cash.

BCH as Urgent Solutions.

A hidden sword always gives encouragement to holder even he never use it. It generates braveness and trustworthy steps in life and a boosted confidence in mind helps him to stay firmly. Bitcoin cash is a hidden sword for us. It gives solution when no one is ready to help us.

People will start to pay their educational , health , governmental and utility bills and fee through Bitcoin cash. It will be revolutionary bigning for digital gold when our daily choars will be under finger tips.

(All the memes are generated , edited by me on meme generator app)


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$ 3.61
$ 3.38 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ling01
$ 0.03 from @Fexonice1
+ 6
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


In terms of low fees, I will put BCH in top 1. There are some mothers here who are saving BCH for the future of their children. That's really great.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

BCH will keep growing in value and it's really a nice way to save

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agree, Bitcoin cash has a bright future, and hope soon it would be regulated as a normal currency.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I hope too !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago