Ukraine - Russia war effecting Pakistan now.

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2 years ago
Topics: News, Learning, War


War is purely fight of interest , expansion of power , imposing agenda and keeping smaller one in threat to obey and accept the superiority. World war 1 , 11 , conflicts in regions , Kuwait , Sudan are examples of this theory in last decade. One more thing is clear that big bulls choose always third party land to fight. Recent Ukraine - Russia war is latest in the series.

Today's world is global village and connected through Digital media. It is not possible now that war remains into two countries Only. It effects whole region and rest of the world too. So the sounds of bullets can be hear now in Pakistan as well .

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Pakistan is huge populated country with 220 millions people. Pakistan was importing wheat , cearles , rubber , mechanical spare parts of reactors. In wheat production we are enough with demand but mismanagement by officials force us to import the wheat.

Pakistan - Ukraine has $1.2 billions mutual trade according to UN COMTRADE report . Pakistan importing goods from Ukraine around 750 million dollars which mainly are wheat and parts of atomic power plants.

Effects on Pakistan.


We have new crop in march- April every year. This year due to weather conditions suitable the crop went to highest level production. But in December 2021 the short fall of wheat covers by Ukrainian wheat and still the price was 1500 ($8.2) PKR / 40 kg. But this year it went to 2300 ($13.55)PKR/40kg now. And if war continue the price of wheat can touch to 3000 PKR which will be alarming situation.


Pakistan importing 70% of his usage rubber from Ukraine. Local rubber industry has base on this importing. Tyres , tubes , gage and other rubber made particulars has inflation since the war. Imports has been haulted and rubber from Malaysia are costly. The tyre + tube of the bike was 1600 PKR which has been reached to 2800 PKR in just two months.

Mechanical parts of atomic energy plants.

Ukraine is a good producer of part of reactors , enrichment plants , power generation plant and equipments of different machinery. Pakistan also imports such parts from Ukraine but due to war it is not possible to get these parts.

Pakistan has 8 atomic energy plants from which 5 are working and 3 has been stopped working due to lack of parts. In December Pakistan was in surplus about electricity but now we have almost load shedding for 4-6 hours daily. Plants not working with full capacity so this giving us a painful experience. Another reason in this matter is lack of water in dams and insufficient funds to operate these plants as well. But main reason that not reaching mechanical parts from Ukraine for repairs.


The war may fought between two countries but it's complexity , effects took circled around. Our connection with other world intrupted. We are feeling the heat of war now because the chains getting derail by this war.Russia never wants to occupy Ukraine , He is threating only and it is game of some adventures minds which putting whole region in uncertainty. Neighbors and G8 countries must play their role to bring two countries on table talk to sort out the issues.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago
Topics: News, Learning, War


War is really terrible. I have experienced it in my area, I think, from 1998 - 2004. It was a political war because they were not satisfied with the government's performance, they felt that they were not cared for. In the past, my province was very isolated, not well known, even though my province played an important role in the independence of the country. It all ended when the earthquake and tsunami hit Indonesia in 2004. The war was stopped because it was distracted by disaster. How many lives have to be lost because of the war that is the victim of people who are not involved in it. But, sometimes it's good to fight for something, war may be one solution aimed at attracting attention, maybe. May Russia Ukraine make peace soon.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yeah right.. The effect is big nd wide.. I hope the war will end soonπŸ₯²πŸ™ƒ

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I am hopeful as well .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right, the effects of war are not only felt by the two countries, but are felt by the whole world. We in Indonesia also feel the same way sir, price of wheat flour and some imported spare parts is very attractive.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes these effects can seen most of countries now. May your country also has some trade connection with Ukraine so you can feel it qheer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

War not only damage people physically, but also ruins the economical and financial state of countries. Sad to hear its effects on the price of wheat and others things. I pray it may end soon.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Global village economic connectivity has impact on each other. Thanks itsfarah!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

War is the dangerous and when it's happened between two atomic power countries then surely it will affect the other countries alSo financially and economically. We just pray that everything getting normalized between Russia and Ukraine

$ 0.03
2 years ago

In global economy we are connected to each other in somewhere. So it is not possible that we not effect by these conflicts. Thank you so much for your time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And for some reason everyone says it's not World War III. That's the result! And this is just the beginning. You and many countries will have higher food prices, and not only that. Many more countries will go hungry!!!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is be hilarious and drastic if it continues. It should be stopped.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

War by definition is a bad thing. Expansion in various areas not directly related to the conflict can be quite major. We, in Romania, are not at war, but the effects are disastrous. Price increases, the fear for tomorrow are the order of the day. Nice to meet you Amjad_Ali_Waince

$ 0.03
2 years ago

War zone even burning far from us but still we can feel the heat . Thanks spok for nice compliment. Stay blessed!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly the rate of wheat is increasing and last year its rate is I think 1700 round about but now due to war it is increased

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There are lot of other factors too but one of them is war .

$ 0.00
2 years ago