Time to buy Gold?

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Gold , sliver , diamond and other precious jewellery remains top priority of people to save money. In both conditions, where we have to use it or sell after certain time , it gives better worth back to holders.

With the time passing new things comes in humans priority like food stock , live stock and stock exchanges. In Last 15 years crypto emerges as best hot valued assets to invest , trade or use against commodities. Crypto create fastest growing asset record and within 10 years it is under usage of billions of people around the globe.

The year 2022 gone worst in crypto verse with lot of scams, frauds and collapsing. We all know that even in 2023 is not safe yet because latest unpegged USDC issue and then collapsing of well settled financial institutions like Silvergate bank and Silicon valley bank made more worst situation for crypto holders.

The author of the famous book " Rich dad , poor dad " Robert kiyosaki warned people in his latest tweet that don't buy any crypto more.

Is it high threat now to buy or invest in crypto? It is not a new thing because crypto always under threat by different organizations, political influences, government hurdles and SEC investigations.

Today again in next tweet Robert kiyosaki claim that a big crash landing in financial services possibly happening soon and take care about your assets.

I still believe in its P2P capability and potential that only real crypto will be digital asset and payment method in coming years. Why ? Because it's sovereign Blockchain system , pure ownership without any interference and unlimited possibilities of transactions making it first choice.

Crypto like Bitcoin cash ( BCH) has very much brighter future which has some unique features. If payment sent from my home , PAK to Florida, USA and supplier receive it in time as a blink of eye 👁️ then how such monetary value can be denied.

Crypto is reality and will remains but yes we need to keep our eyes open before any investment. Keep in mind 4R rule whenever you want to invest. Right product in right time by right weight and through right gate.

One more thing I want to add that propaganda is weapon in today's digital marketing. If you hear lot of things against crypto on different media streams then assume that some thing good is coming in crypto.


Amjad Ali

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Its value is getting higher and higher each year that is why it is a good investment too. I also want to buy some gold too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Stay blessed ScarletDoll , hope you will get some gold.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I enter the world of cryptos I was really thankful sir because I learned a lot and it helps me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thank you JRamona for staying by.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

crypto has never been a thread to anyone, offcourse not for those who actually understand it...talking about the gold prices, heard that its 1200 bucks increase per tola, its time to hold it back, so that we can get the good profit on it

$ 0.02
1 year ago

All precious metals are climbing up gradually. Sure holding will give us more profit.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

as they say, holders are gold makers

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We should really do our own research too, to see for ourselves that those news is fake, or not, or just a threat. But of course, now a days, we should also be a vigilant.

Anyways, as the years gone by being engage to cryptos, I get more interest of knowing more details and important aspects of it. Thanks for adding some of it Sir.🙇‍♀️

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I try always to aware others what I learnt. Thanks for detailed comment renren !

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not all crypto projects are scam and fruad, we should first investigate a little before investment. But i open your article after read the title 😸 as it's hard to eat meal in this era of economy crises.......

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Exactly, we must investigate by our maximum possible ways. Thank you Lesly90 !

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You're welcome Sir!!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are absolutely right! One must be mentally present while doing anything and it is a good practice to understand this before starting the work.

$ 0.00
1 year ago